Lets talk about goats!

You put the thermometer in his rectum. If it is above 102 he is sick. Pneumonia can cause the symptoms you mention. Irritated lungs can stimulate the vegas nerve and the result is digestive symptoms even though the problem is in the lungs.
To check temp, you take a thermometer ( a regular human digital one will work) put a little lubricant (even spit works) and insert it into the rectum usually about an inch or so, then take the temp. He won't care for it much, but it's not hurting him. Take the temp and let us know what it is. I'm going to take a guess and say he has pneumonia and not bloat.

ETA: Lol, Cassie was posting same time as me. But please get a temp on this fella!
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Fairly normal. At any rate he doesn't have a fever. Under the circumstances that may or may not be a good thing. Do his ears feel cold to the touch?
No his ears don't feel very cold. Now he's starting to get his voice back but he still seems off. Do you think its safe to give him his normal amount of food when feeding time comes?
I would feed him his hay. Personally, if he were my goat I would consider putting him on a course of penicillin. If you do that be sure to give it for a full five days. If he seems to be improving he may have fought off whatever was bothering him and in that case he wouldn't need the penicillin. I would be happier if his temperature was a half a degree to a degree higher. It seems just a little low, but it may be normal for him. However, keep an eye on him. If he gets worse he will need treatment. If he continues to improve, he doesn't.
I'm no goat expert and Idont have pygmies but he looks a little bloated to me. Is he eating at all or drinking water? Foaming at the mouth is a sign of bloat as bubbles form in the rumen. Id give him baking soda and if he doesn't improve, call a vet. The baking soda works wonders with our little boer boy when's he's eaten too much alfalfa.

Thank you for the quick reply. He is eating but I haven't really seen him drink. He probably has though. We tried giving him baking soda mixed with a little water earlier but he wouldn't eat it. We might just have to force it down I guess. Hopefully that'll work! Thanks again.

Our goats lick the baking soda dry from our hand or a cup. We've never mixed it with water or force fed it. Any time they get bloaty they readily take it.

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