Lets talk about goats!

Ok, these last days of gestation are making me nuts ... based on earliest known exposure, we're sitting at about day 139.  She's as big as a house, udder getting bigger, "girlie bits" look puffy, she has off and on discharge ... and now her ligaments are noticeably loosening.  Argh!  Nope, no stress here.  LOL

I'm SO right there with you! I've had my baby monitor on for a few days now. Since this is my first time, and she was exposed to buck x 3 weeks I'm just not sure when its going to be time...
To other more experienced goat owners, are goats supposed to "look pregnant" by 130 days or so? One is obviously pregnant, but the other two don't really have an udder or puffy "parts". The two girls are bigger then they were a few months ago, but now I'm questioning if they are pregnant or not. Any ideas?
Any babies yet, GAMarans?

Not yet. Still feeling ligaments so I think we still have a bit to go.

To other more experienced goat owners, are goats supposed to "look pregnant" by 130 days or so? One is obviously pregnant, but the other two don't really have an udder or puffy "parts". The two girls are bigger then they were a few months ago, but now I'm questioning if they are pregnant or not. Any ideas?

A couple of mine did that. I was sure they weren't bred since everyone else was showing clear signs. Then all of a sudden they were. The one that was the last to show was the only breeding I witnessed.
Hey all! Quick question about my first freshner nubian Dolly. Last month she had a long string of discharge that someone told me can be normal in the last month or so of pregnancy so after a night of worry and watching for any sign of her aborting I finally accepted what they said lol. But from what I have read first freshners tend to build a bag about midway or so through the pregnancy and as Dolly is in her last few weeks here her lack of a bag is worrying me greatly. Her teats have lengthened a bit but thats about it. Shewas first put in with the buck on September 10 and he got her a few times on their first encounter and was with him for about 2 weeks before he lost interest in her. Her due date from the first encounter is Feb. 7th. So she is definitely in her last month now, but has no bag at all! Should I be worried and is it possible that the stringy discharge she had last month was something more serious? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Here are some pics of the discharge from last month and her belly yesterday

My girls are due soon too, and only 1 out of 3 has an udder.
I'm new to goats, and don't know much myself. The string of discharge looks bloody to me. I didnt see anything like that on my girls. I only saw a little but of cloudy discharge. About a dime size amount.
I'm curious to hear any replies.
I've only ever had wethers, so this is my first time with kidding! I thought she was going into early labor and aborting at first, but after she passed that all she has had has been the white cloudy goo. Her stomach is hard like a pregnant belly, andis still growing. It's been a full month since that discharge and she hasn't had any problems or bloodiness since then. As far as the udder I know every goat is different, and am wondering if she'll be one of those "I'm gonna freak out my human and not bag up until right before I have my kids" goats lol
Thanks for the replies! Any more goat wisdom would be awesome:)
Also, the discharge had the bloody looking/ clear goo along with white stringy looking strands that you can't really see in the pictures
That's very interesting. I've only ever seen that during an abortion or during kidding. The way her tail and sides look in that first picture, it looks like she aborted. You didn't find anything else?
The weird thing is, she still looks pregnant. Either that or she has a well developed rumen full of hay.
Unless you want to take her to a vet or send in a blood sample for pregnancy test, at this point I'd say it's a wait and see kind of thing.
As for the udder, if she was actually due the 7th, I would expect to see some sort of udder development by now. That being said, as soon as you make a generalization about a goat, someone up and changes things, lol.

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