Lets talk about goats!

when do y'all think she will kid
when do y'all think she will kid

Hmm well every goat is different but here is a list of thing to look for. Just keep in mind she might show all of these signs or only a few.
•loose pin bones (find the base of the tail and slide your fingers forward and down you should feel two tendons,one on either side they should be squishy or gone when she's really close)
• tight, shiny, and very full udder (some does does don't even bag up until after they've kidded just FYI)
• pawing the ground
• talking to her tummy
• if you see her tail arching and then relaxing she is most likely having contractions
• getting up and down repeatedly
• fluid or mucus coming out of her (if you see a bubble a kid should soon follow

I'm sure there something I missed but here are some basic things you can look for! Hope this helps good luck with your preggers goat!
Hey, can anyone tell me what kind of milk is best to feed a baby pygmy (other than his momma's? I don't have him yet, but when I do, I want to be prepared. . .

Hey, can anyone tell me what kind of milk is best to feed a baby pygmy (other than his momma's? I don't have him yet, but when I do, I want to be prepared. . .


Just plain ole cows milk from the store. Whole cows milk (vitamin D is is called most places).

This website has a handy chart that will help you determine how much he should eat based on weight. And Kinne.net has a lot of good pygmy goat specific articles (that apply so well to other breeds, too!).
Just plain ole cows milk from the store. Whole cows milk (vitamin D is is called most places).

This website has a handy chart that will help you determine how much he should eat based on weight. And Kinne.net has a lot of good pygmy goat specific articles (that apply so well to other breeds, too!).
Hm. That simple, hu!? Is cow's milk so much like goat's milk that it doesn't even matter??
Hey, can anyone tell me what kind of milk is best to feed a baby pygmy (other than his momma's? I don't have him yet, but when I do, I want to be prepared. . . 


Whole milk does work great but if their raised on goats milk it's better for them and as they grow. Although goat milk can be hard to obtain in certain areas or its really expensive.
We use a formula we got at our local feed store. It works great.

For the few kids formula works well on, it causes severe diarrhea, bloat, and potential death in others. Milk replacer powders, even ones marketed for goats, have a very poor track record of success. Goats milk if available is best. If not, whole cows milk is the next best.

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