Lets talk about goats!

We got him back in March when he was 4 hours old since his mom rejected him, out of the 3. He does seem lonely some times, and I feel guilty about having only one, but he is fine when we let him play with our dog. One thing I do find interesting is that our dog is a girl, and he has attempted mating with her several times. We have began to neuter him, but let me just say, I am glad she is fixed. Look! It is the first goat-dog! Yeah, I think he needs another boy goat for a friend. Here he is a bit ago.
What a cutie! Gosh arent they just so adorable!?
Napoleon and his dog buddies
I've been trying to search for a conversation I know I started reading but never got to finish with. I'm not sure if it was one of the earlier posts here or on the natural keeping chicken board.
My goats have been with us for a few days now and we have noticed them being troubled something fierce by the flies and mosquitoes. The only thing I can find now is saying to use neem oil. Not sure if that is really safe for milkers. If anyone knows of anything I can try to help keep the flies and mosquitoes off of them I would appreciate it. The girls really seem miserable when they are trying to browse =( .
I've been trying to search for a conversation I know I started reading but never got to finish with. I'm not sure if it was one of the earlier posts here or on the natural keeping chicken board.
My goats have been with us for a few days now and we have noticed them being troubled something fierce by the flies and mosquitoes. The only thing I can find now is saying to use neem oil. Not sure if that is really safe for milkers. If anyone knows of anything I can try to help keep the flies and mosquitoes off of them I would appreciate it. The girls really seem miserable when they are trying to browse =( .

Lemon and eucalyptus is a natural bug repellent i use it on my kids works miracles!i wouldnt see a problem with using it because you can eat it and it wont hurt you...wont taste good but wont hurt lol! Not sure if they will sell it where you are i can never find it locally but try health store or online is the cheapest! Sorry i couldnt be more help.
Lemon and eucalyptus is a natural bug repellent i use it on my kids works miracles!i wouldnt see a problem with using it because you can eat it and it wont hurt you...wont taste good but wont hurt lol! Not sure if they will sell it where you are i can never find it locally but try health store or online is the cheapest! Sorry i couldnt be more help.
huh, awesome ty for the info. Another question. I have eucalyptus oil will it work if I add some lemon to it?
We use pymetherin in the barn and on the goats.
While is is "natural" its still nasty stuff. We dilute it, and spray cautiously. We also just purchased guinies to try to keep the bugs down in the barns.
I have two bottle fed nigerian/la mancha babies. Does anyone know if goats and chickens are ok in the same pin?

Nope. Build a separate living space for the goats. The chickens will foul the goat's water and hay. And the goats will readily consume chicken feed, and that is a great way to cause bloat, which kills goats. Building a shelter and a run for the goats is not asking too much when it comes to keeping them healthy and happy.
I have two bottle fed nigerian/la mancha babies. Does anyone know if goats and chickens are ok in the same pin?

My goat and baby chicks get along fine however they do make his water extremly dirty fast and poop on his hay... and you definetly dont want your goat eating chicken feed. But if its a temporary setup ( ocasionally i will put my chicks in with my goat in his pen without chick feed, they do good but i try not to leave them there longer then an hour!) But as for being friendly i have had no problems!
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