Lets talk about goats!

In the same pin but not the same living quarters.
We have our 2 La Mancha in the corn crib with the chickens. However, the chicken house is attached to the crib on one side with a chicken size door. The chicken food is inside the chicken house away from where the goats can get to it. The goat house is attached on the north side of the corn crib. I have 2 water buckets for the goats that are hung more than 12 inches off the ground which keeps stuff from getting into the water. I've only had my goats a week but this seems to be working wonderfully. The only real problem I started with was with the hay holder. I use an old rabbit cage with slots that opens at the top. It's perfect for the goats but before we hung it a foot +/- off the ground the chickens would get on top and poop. Now that it is hung I'm not having that problem =). I think things can work as long as you make a plan and design. The two goats are taken out of the corn crib and placed on cords in the yard so they can browse which they love to do. I'm new to having goats only one week today. We are still planning on new shelters being built next year. Having the goats now has helped us see how we need to plan the build for those next spring before we have kids =)
In the same pin but not the same living quarters.
We have our 2 La Mancha in the corn crib with the chickens. However, the chicken house is attached to the crib on one side with a chicken size door. The chicken food is inside the chicken house away from where the goats can get to it. The goat house is attached on the north side of the corn crib. I have 2 water buckets for the goats that are hung more than 12 inches off the ground which keeps stuff from getting into the water. I've only had my goats a week but this seems to be working wonderfully. The only real problem I started with was with the hay holder. I use an old rabbit cage with slots that opens at the top. It's perfect for the goats but before we hung it a foot +/- off the ground the chickens would get on top and poop. Now that it is hung I'm not having that problem =). I think things can work as long as you make a plan and design. The two goats are taken out of the corn crib and placed on cords in the yard so they can browse which they love to do. I'm new to having goats only one week today. We are still planning on new shelters being built next year. Having the goats now has helped us see how we need to plan the build for those next spring before we have kids =)

I hope the goats are only tied out under direct supervision. Being on a tie out is a great way for a goat to A: throttle themselves and B: fall victim to a roving dog. At least a goat that isn't tied up has some opportunity to flee, tied up, they're like a snack on a string. Though most dogs just kill for fun rather than eating anything.
I hope the goats are only tied out under direct supervision. Being on a tie out is a great way for a goat to A: throttle themselves and B: fall victim to a roving dog. At least a goat that isn't tied up has some opportunity to flee, tied up, they're like a snack on a string. Though most dogs just kill for fun rather than eating anything.
absolutely! the goats are tied out each time I am doing chores. It isn't a long time anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour three times a day. They are always in my vision. I always take the buckets of water to them you never know when they might want a drink. When chores are done I take them back into the pin. When i go for my walks i put the queen on a lead and her half sister Emily follows along. I stop to take several long sips of water while they get some munchies in. I'm not sure if I am spoiling them or if they are spoiling me...
Hubby won't be home this weekend but I am trying to figure out the ins and outs of an electric fence for us to put up next weekend since they were raised with electric fencing. I think I have a rectangular area picked out with good shade throughout the day, a good browsing area, and still within the view of my large living room window where I can watch them. I still won't let them out into the fence area unless I know I am going to be able to watch them. Roy said they are like 5 year old children you can't take your eyes off them or they will get into trouble if trouble is to be had and they can find it. I love the girls so much =). I think tomorrow I will take the brush down and give them a good brushing while i pet them.
Thank you for pointing this out these things are very important to us new goat owners. I think every detail makes it easier for us to figure out how to do this goat thing the right way. =)
Do you have a picture @potagergirl ?
You will have to excuse the mess we have been through 4 days of severe storms. I'll be cleaning all the muck out today and putting fresh straw down. Also, we are trying to move another chicken house and pin over for the 16 black hens. The only chickens that will remain in the crib/chicken house will be the 9 LF Cochin. The fact our yard is flood is the only thing keeping us from moving the new chicken house in.
So here are some picks of how I set things up.

This is from the north side.

This is the south side

chicken door into crib

goat house door, don't know why it won't stand the door up as the original pic. Anyway to the right of the door you see the small mineral and baking soda holder.

lol rotated the chicken feed. it is hung in the chicken house. I put the wire around it just in case.

basket holds hay and works awesome. chickens don't poop in it. next the 2 water buckets for the goats. rarely ever have anything in it other than a stick or two of hay.

the water bucket for the chickens has the poultry nipples. Yes the goats did try to stand on it the first couple days. after that they have left it alone.

I think hubby did a great job with all the work involved with building and attaching the houses =) his next project when it finally stops raining around here is to put tin on the north side of the corn crib so we can take down the blue tarps.
I am getting concerned. Deliah is not eating as she should be and is losing weight. Roy seems to think because of Emily becoming the queen when Deliah was at his place. (Emily has a scur) They have never shared a pin before he had them next to each other but separate pins. I've looked her over tons and I may be new to goats but that goat is losing weight! She doesn't act sick, her eyes are a good healthy pink, her hooves are still trimmed good Roy did it last Thursday before he brought the goats to me. Her poop pebbles are normal. She is chewing cud. He said to give her probiotics which I did and will repeat a second time tomorrow. (the instructions on the probiotics said to repead next day or other day).
She does seem to be very put out and a little ornery is what I would call it. Her milk has decreased by a 1/2 quart and she tests the head lock several times when she is being milked then she will look at me as if she is angry just before she lifts her leg to try and kick the milk bucket. It's rather odd she started this behavior only two days ago. If it is as Roy says and she is mad about losing her throne how long will it take her to get over herself? The vet is coming Monday to do a health check on them. I had asked him to check a few things for me so I have a baseline in case they do become ill. I know it's probably too much but I guess I'm trying to be prepared. I can read all the books I want but it is not the same as having actual experience. Should I be worried like I am now? How long should I allow this behavior? I am truly beside myself on this. Illness I can deal with ornery is all together different.
Now that it is summer, the flies have been attacking. What do you guys do to keep the flies away? Our main problem is that we have a lot of fruit flies. When I was raking up Billy's pen the other day, I noticed the ground wriggling. Looked closer and I discovered it was covered in maggots. Between it getting damp with the sprinklers in the morning, all the alfalfa falling on the ground, the hot weather, and his own manure, it is the perfect breeding ground for flies I guess. What do you guys do to keep theme away?
@potagergirl I don't know. I wish I could help. Tell us what the vet has to say. Good-luck. I hope somebody else says something.
You will have to excuse the mess we have been through 4 days of severe storms. I'll be cleaning all the muck out today and putting fresh straw down. Also, we are trying to move another chicken house and pin over for the 16 black hens. The only chickens that will remain in the crib/chicken house will be the 9 LF Cochin. The fact our yard is flood is the only thing keeping us from moving the new chicken house in.
So here are some picks of how I set things up.

This is from the north side.

This is the south side

chicken door into crib

goat house door, don't know why it won't stand the door up as the original pic. Anyway to the right of the door you see the small mineral and baking soda holder.

lol rotated the chicken feed. it is hung in the chicken house. I put the wire around it just in case.

basket holds hay and works awesome. chickens don't poop in it. next the 2 water buckets for the goats. rarely ever have anything in it other than a stick or two of hay.

the water bucket for the chickens has the poultry nipples. Yes the goats did try to stand on it the first couple days. after that they have left it alone.

I think hubby did a great job with all the work involved with building and attaching the houses =) his next project when it finally stops raining around here is to put tin on the north side of the corn crib so we can take down the blue tarps.

I really like your set up. With your mineral holder, how do you get it to stay up? We have one just like it, except our goat is always head butting it, and he always knocks it to the ground. I tried zip tying it on, but there was nothing to make it go threw, so I just wrapped it around the hook a few times. It lasted it a bit longer, but as can be expected, It did end up coming down. I really like the set of your thing. I wish we did something like that.

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