Lets talk about goats!

Just had to put down my sweetest and most wonderful goat buck ever. Seriously, you could lead him on a piece of dental floss, even if there was a doe in heat. He was such a snuggler even from day one. But when the vet is at a loss, you've been fighting for weeks, and you wake up to find him having gone so downhill it is unfair to make him keep going, it is time. The vet did not know what to do anymore. Johnnie had a mass in his neck. Not CL, it was tested. But he could hardly eat or drink.

The vet agreed it was definitely best. You know how medical professionals talk when they know something is futile. So at least he is no longer suffering anymore. Even with brand new babies out there, I will not be able to go out to the goats without breaking down into a sobbing mess when I don't hear his voice anymore. My father is having a really hard time too even if he doesn't say anything (stoic men and all) because Johnnie was his special boy who followed him everywhere.

I am keeping Johnnie's son as a company for a young buck I bought earlier this year. He needs companionship. For now, I have him moved right next to the doe pen in a portable pen, so he doesn't get too lonely and depressed. He keeps calling out, which breaks my heart even more.

Johnnie as a tiny, adorable baby. I feel so guilty too that I did not take many pictures of him as a glorious adult. His thick, luxurious beard would make even Blackbeard jealous.
I have a goat.. She's about 2.5 years.. She has a thick mucus build up in her nose (thick boogers).. Making her breathing a little laboured.. She drinking but not eating, lethargic and bloated.. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have been trying to find info online but am a little overwhelmed :-(
I have a goat.. She's about 2.5 years.. She has a thick mucus build up in her nose (thick boogers).. Making her breathing a little laboured.. She drinking but not eating, lethargic and bloated.. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have been trying to find info online but am a little overwhelmed :-(

Any time an animal is not eating I think it's time to call a vet. Animals can go downhill very quickly when they don't eat.
I need help/suggestions.

We have had our girls 2 months and I am still very ignorant with hands on knowing what to do.
Here is my problem: both got worms pretty bad before I realized what was going on. I thought the herbal wormer was taking care of it. When I realized they had worms pretty bad I purchased the panacur which is what the previous owner who raised them told me he was using. After treating both goats Emily began this strange rough cough that was frequent. I took her temp and it was 105.6. She seemed normal other than the cough and temp but I called the previous owner he said to start her on penicillin and told me to run it for 10 days just in case she got worms in her lungs.? That has been going very well we only have 2 days left and she is happy, not coughing and her temp is normal.

Now my problem: Deliah we gave the same panacur too. she is eating, drinking, not having any coughing and never has run a temp. However, her coloring is way off and each day it seems worse. Unlike Emily, Deliah has a tannish like color around her eyes and nose/mouth. Her eyelids when I pull them back are pink but I think they look a little darker then before all of this. She is looking like I haven't fed her in at least a week but I promise I actually over feed both my girls. Deliah's milk production has increased with the panacur but somethings not right with the way she looks.
I'm going to give her some probiotics with her feed tonight but I would like some ideas of what I am missing because I know I've got to be missing something.??
I have not changed feed in any way it is all the same. I'm just puzzled as to why she is acting normal yet looks unhealthy to me. Neither of the girls bleat much, usually in the evening when they see us going out for a walk because we take them with us and they get excited.
I need help/suggestions. 

We have had our girls 2 months and I am still very ignorant with hands on knowing what to do.
Here is my problem: both got worms pretty bad before I realized what was going on. I thought the herbal wormer was taking care of it. When I realized they had worms pretty bad I purchased the panacur which is what the previous owner who raised them told me he was using. After treating both goats Emily began this strange rough cough that was frequent. I took her temp and it was 105.6. She seemed normal other than the cough and temp but I called the previous owner he said to start her on penicillin and told me to run it for 10 days just in case she got worms in her lungs.? That has been going very well we only have 2 days left and she is happy, not coughing and her temp is normal.

Now my problem: Deliah we gave the same panacur too. she is eating, drinking, not having any coughing and never has run a temp. However, her coloring is way off and each day it seems worse. Unlike Emily, Deliah has a tannish like color around her eyes and nose/mouth. Her eyelids when I pull them back are pink but I think they look a little darker then before all of this. She is looking like I haven't fed her in at least a week but I promise I actually over feed both my girls. Deliah's milk production has increased with the panacur but somethings not right with the way she looks. 
I'm going to give her some probiotics with her feed tonight but I would like some ideas of what I am missing because I know I've got to be missing something.?? 
I have not changed feed in any way it is all the same. I'm just puzzled as to why she is acting normal yet looks unhealthy to me. Neither of the girls bleat much, usually in the evening when they see us going out for a walk because we take them with us and they get excited. 

Can you get a picture of the discoloration? Could be a deficiency, but a pic might help.
Also, I would highly recommend getting a fecal done on both goats, wait at least 10 days after the date of worming. You can get them done at http://www.midamericaagresearch.net for $5 a sample if your vet charges too much. It's very important to get fecals done so you know which worms you are dealing with so you can choose an appropriate wormer. Not all wormers are created equal.
Emily was more likely to have pneumonia than lung worms. You wouldn't treat lung worms with penicillin anyway, and 10 days would not be a recommended length of treatment. (More like 5) penicillin is also not the stuff of choice for treating pneumonia.
I'm really glad you're taking the time to learn more about your forks! We'll be happy to help as much as possible!
I have a question for you all. Wet are planning on moving the goats to a spot in our yard where they would have more room. we were planning on moving them to where the kids playground is because they don't really use it, and I know the goats would have a great time on it. The problem is that we have mulch around it. We don't know if they can be kept on it. It is a type of mulch made from tires where they ripped up old, used tires. Do you think that would be okay from them to be kept on it?
I have a question for you all. Wet are planning on moving the goats to a spot in our yard where they would have more room. we were planning on moving them to where the kids playground is because they don't really use it, and I know the goats would have a great time on it. The problem is that we have mulch around it. We don't know if they can be kept on it. It is a type of mulch made from tires where they ripped up old, used tires. Do you think that would be okay from them to be kept on it?
Just IMO, I would remove the mulch. I don't see how you could possibly keep the area clean with the mulch there....there would be imbedded goat poop everywhere. I doubt that it would be a health hazard as long as they have other things to chew....my goats completely ignore the pine pellet bedding I use to keep the inside of their dog house dry.

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