Lets talk about goats!

Just that. To me dandruff is just dry skin without any underlying causes.

Then why did you say it is not dandruff?
No matter the cause it ultimately is dandruff. And there is always a cause for dandruff.
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I had a mineral salt lick type thing... sorry I can't remember name. I didnt realize the importance of minerals for them and thought that was enought. Went and got two bags of actual free choice minerals that is made for goats and huppy just screwed it to wall. Going to try and give a bath next sunny day and hopefully it'll help. Its on his whole body. Ford barely has it just Stetson.
Well my dairy doe had a doeling yesterday. I also lost my grandfather to a heart attack cause he was weak from battling cancer. He died and this doeling came into the world a half hour later so she will be named after him. I present Tommie Girl.....



love the kid. Sorry for your loss.

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