Lets talk about goats!

They could just be in heat causing them to be loud. I think crossing them with a Nigerian dwarf would be a good idea.
They are in heat right now so they are louder then usual. They are normally screamers when they want something. They definitely aren't hungry. They have and acre of grass they keep trimmed along with hay. They LOVE people and when the neighbors are out or a car simply drives by they scream. My mom really wants a quiet breed. We also have a Pygmy goat that sounds like death.
Ohhh. Maybe I'm mistaking noise for personality haha

I heard something about them. Maybe that they were a little pushy or something?
tell me everything you know!!! Good and bad!! :thumbsup
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So Wednesday marks two months that I have had my doe in with a Billy and since I had never seen them do anything or her go in to an obvious heat I thought she never got bred but here lately I have been letting her out in the am and her belly looks fuller than it normally does on an empty stomach. Trying to decide if I should spend the money to buy a pregnancy test or sonogram exam.
If she is pregnant you will know soon enough. Watch the udder where it joins the body in the rear. That is the first place you will see changes.
This is Oreo.
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