Lets talk about goats!

This is my Pygmy (without cold) he is still young and the gunk on his nose is from an orange. ;)
I've never had a cough :/ someone else could probably answer that question, but if they're acting fine and temp is normal range I would look for irritants in their environment. The cough doesn't sound wet or gunky, right?
I've never had a cough :/ someone else could probably answer that question, but if they're acting fine and temp is normal range I would look for irritants in their environment. The cough doesn't sound wet or gunky, right?
It doesn't sound too bad. It's almost gone but it's still lingering.
Oh my gosh, he's so cute! I'd do pygmy or Nigerian dwarf if our terrain wasn't so rough. I'd lose them the minute they found the hillside of thick brush.
I want some goats, but its taking a lot of convincing for my husband. I need to learn more form people who actually have them. Some websites are informative, but they dont cover the real questions, like, are they really fun or just a chore?

Do you have to process the milk, or can it be consumed straight from the bucket?

How much do they really eat?

Do they need special hoof care?

Do they need special suppliments?

Do they really eat everything?

Are they smart enough not to eat poison plants?

What sort of care do they need?

Are they lots of work like a horse?

Are they smelly like rabbits?

Are they mean?

Are you planning to breed, is that what the buck is for?

Do you plan to eat the offspring?

Im going to be watching this thread! I want to learn all i can!

What is a good breed for a new goat herder?

What sort of space requirements do they have?
if you want milk you need a buck or need to find a stud and then the mom will have babies then you need to milk the mom every day. goats only need a 30x30 cage. and yes goats eat almost every plant and poison plants dont really harm goats. you can drink it right from the bucket but it will have some germs in it. hope i helped

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