Lets talk about goats!

here are a couple pics of her feet. Please remember I didnt do this to her please. Any advice is appreciated!
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Poor goat. You need to cut parallel to the line where her skin and hair meet the hoof. I dare say the quick is not grown out that far, so you have a lot of cutting to do. Get some quick stop or styptic powder to have just in case. I like to use what they call hoof rot shears, they are good and sharp. If she does not hold still for you, tie her to something. Once you start trimming do not stop because she wiggles because that just teaches her wiggling and fighting will make it stop. Get someone to help you hold her if necessary. Trim all 4 feet each time. You don't want two short ones and 2 long ones. As you get more experience you will learn how much to trim . We are rooting for both of you. Oh and get some of that blue green stuff for hooves, i think for horses i forget what it is called. It has been years. Check the farm stores. Hugs.
Aren't you concerned about the big ones picking on the littles?
Ps, whether is spelled a bit different than weather. Just fyi.

Lol!! I am constantly second guessing myself on that spelling!! I think I get it right maaaaybe 1/3 of the time :lau

I'm not too concerned about bullying- I know dogs and goats are not the same, but I have lots and lots of experience with animal introductions of all sorts (from working in training/rescue/rehab), so I am confident I can make it work :) Who knows though! Surprises can happen, and in that case hubbs will be drawing plans for a whole new pen :lau and he will just looooove that ;):th
There are two pieces of equipment I found to be invaluable for hoof trimming. One is a pair of Burdizzo hoof rot clippers. Be sure to get Burdizzo. They are a little more expensive than the generics but they will last a lifetime. I once got some cheap knock offs that came from Pakistan and they wouldn't even trim the feet on a kid. The other item is a kind of plane or rasp. I have no idea what it is called, but it is metal, it is about two inches wide and about four inches or so long, fits comfortably in your hand, and it has replaceable blades. I have never found anything that is better for leveling the bottom of the hoof. I got mine at the local hardware store.
You have to be smarter and more persistent than she is. I have been known to put them on the ground, turn them upside down and maybe get someone to sit on them.
I didn't mean for you to be rough. You can lay her down gently. I never did this to a pregnant goat. That said, if you have a good stanchion, you ought to be able to grab and work on her feet without her being able to get away from you.

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