Let's Talk With Some Weirdos

Animal diapers, my dear. And I am barring sandbox play. No need to fear, Mother Hen here is lurking. Always lurking. 👀

Heh. I just thought about how me using an alt would look.today, of all days. I'm just annoyed at the mobile app and don't have my main password memorized. :p
Animated GIF
I asked Google what the best way was to relieve trapped gas, and it told me I should be checked for colon cancer. Google and I are not on speaking terms at this time.

*This is not a joke. It really did give me that advice. For trapped gas. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️
Dr. Google is bad.
Google math is good.
Dr. Google is bad.
Google math is good.
Dr. Google is being sued for malpractice. 😂

Professor Google...I have to have words with him. He once told me a certain someone was 6'1", and now he has rescinded his earlier proclamation. This person is now only 6'. 🤨 Maybe I am Googling wrong? 🤔
If you send me your SS#, birthdate, full name, and your mother's maiden name, I will be more than happy to look into this for you.

One of my seniors got this call last year in the middle of class, so as a class, my 4th period gave the caller tons of wonky information. It was hilarious! The guy got super angry, swore at us, and hung up.

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