Let's Talk With Some Weirdos

Dont Touch Me Big Brother GIF by CBC
I had a friend that enjoyed fire so much he burned his own toys. Wonder if that would work.

But then again, the crowd I hug out with at school wasn't the "in" crowd either. I was a young curmugdeon. This crowd was much more open minded.
Probably not if he enjoyed burning his own toys unless he had something that was so very precious to him ....my precious... that he could not live without...
I would do it with squeaky toys. Let the kids hear the toys scream in anguish as they melted
This image in my head 😂
This garbage was done to me. I start to hyperventilate now when a babe starts crying from falling over or anything that made him/her hurt. Personification of inanimate objects for the win. 😅
Okay so let me clarify in the process of burning said precious toy that belongs to my child I would also explain to them the dangers of fire and explain to them why they're most precious toy is now being turned to Ash because of said action they took or he took or she took in school my mom was the same way if we didn't put our toys back where they came from when we were done playing with them she took them away gave them away and I can tell you we learned real fast that if you want something and you want to keep it you need to take care of it
This makes sense, and I would definitely do a fire "demonstration", but personally I wouldn't use their toys. I get what you're trying to teach with that, but a child cannot regulate their emotions, and would not likely process the lesson, they'll just be upset about the toy and possibly resent you for it

Now buying a toy for this purpose? Or something similar, absolutely could work. While showing them how dangerous fire is
On a serious note, time outs work great, if accompanied with good parenting in general, strong routines, etc. You cant let a child get away with insane things and then put them in a two minute time out and wonder why it isnt working. They're shaped by the amount of attention, and the amount of discipline they get, 6 year olds aren't inherently evil (sometimes hard to believe 😂)

Jokes aside, hitting kids doesn't teach them why not to do something. It just teaches them fear. Some argue fear teaches respect, I disagree. Disrespecting a child doesn't teach respect. Every badly behaved I've met, has either had learning disabilities and needs specific methods of discipline, or has had less than good parents. I've been abused by people, never once earned respect.
You can disagree, but that's my opinion.
It's amazing how working with kids who have experienced trauma has changed my view on parenting. So many times, it ISN'T the parents. So. Many. I have met 6 year olds who were, in fact, inherently evil, or at least born so broken that right and wring were meaningless.

The only time I ever smacked my kids were when they did something truly dangerous and they needed the shock - like when one turned on all the gas burners (even though the knobs were off) or when the other ran across a parking lot and almost got killed by a speeding SUV.
"Cambridge Dictionary"?
Shorter I think.
I will be on a list somewhere if I do that. They are 18-20 year olds. 🤣
That's legal. lol
On a serious note, time outs work great, if accompanied with good parenting in general, strong routines, etc. You cant let a child get away with insane things and then put them in a two minute time out and wonder why it isnt working. They're shaped by the amount of attention, and the amount of discipline they get, 6 year olds aren't inherently evil (sometimes hard to believe 😂)

Jokes aside, hitting kids doesn't teach them why not to do something. It just teaches them fear. Some argue fear teaches respect, I disagree. Disrespecting a child doesn't teach respect. Every badly behaved I've met, has either had learning disabilities and needs specific methods of discipline, or has had less than good parents. I've been abused by people, never once earned respect.
You can disagree, but that's my opinion.
I love the woman Momma Cusses on TikTok. She gentle parents, but like not the way you think. There's another young woman who has two little boys who are also parented in a way that is very effective.

I know I was beaten a lot as a child because that's the way my dad was, not because of my behavior. I responded just as well to mental/emotional punishment to teach me a lesson as I did being physically beaten until I'd lose control of my bowels.

There isn't anything wrong with physical discipline, but it should not be the first thing one does, and some one should never use it when they are angry.

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