Letting Broody raise chicks in raised coop?


6 Years
Apr 28, 2013
So, we had a hen go broody and she has hatched out 3 chicks so far. I really want to let her raise them, but I'm concerned because we have a raised coop. It's a good 3 feet off the ground and I'm worried that she won't be able to get in and out of the coop with the chicks. I thought about putting some astro turf on the ramp in and out to give the chicks more traction. Any thoughts? Has anyone let a broody raise chicks in a coop so high off the ground?

I think you should make a broody coop!
all it is, is a plastic bin, with an open door cut into it, and a small, safe run.
to protect your chicks from other chickens.
and it is very cozy, and not lifted of the ground.
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It went a lot smoother than expected. Our coop opens into an enclosed run. The little ones took a some time to learn how to get back into the coop, but I only had to help them out a couple times. I kept an eye on them every day so that I'd know when mama decided they were old enough to leave. Once she started taking them into the run I'd go out every evening to be sure everyone made it back up. Mama was REALLY good about going back out to show the stragglers how to get back in. We did lose one chick when mama started taking them out of the run. I think it was due to the chick not being able to find his/her way back in. When that happened we put a piece of wood up in the door to the run so that the chicks couldn't get out until they were big enough to hop over it. Again, I tried to keep an eye on them every evening to make sure they figured everything out, but after that we had no problems. We now have 5 healthy pullets and 1 adorable cockerel. Good luck! It was so much fun to watch mama raise her babies and they have integrated so smoothly into our flock.

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