Leveling my coop and run space.


May 5, 2017
Independence MO
I tried the line level method (you can see 2 strings in the photos) the lines just sagged even with the tiny light weight levels. So this is my method--newbie at building. I will even each side and several spots through the middle, then check as I get the base installed. Turns out I need about another ton of bags of dirt. ;(

Took my 10 foot board and raised the low end until it showed level. I now know about how much dirt I need to haul and will check all sides and the middles later.

IMG_0461.JPG IMG_0462.JPG
Thinking this method may help someone.

OH yeah tis a pain, I don't want to have a totally crooked chicken shack. I need to go get at least another 20 bags of dirt. We keep getting these rain storms popping up, I'm only getting tiny annoying showers but I don't want to put dripping bags of dirt in the back of my car. That area has the least amount of slope-- I live on a river bluff so nothing is flat.

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