LGD Puppy training - Chickens and Ducks

I'm sorry I don't know but
Thanks for the welcome everyone!

On a sad note, I found a dead chicken today. With the "stuffing" pulled out like a chew toy. very disheartening. Any advice on what to do with the chicken body? Show it to him and scold? I caught him after the fact...so not sure what the best way to handle it is. Growl at him while holding the hen? Shake a can of pennies while holding?

I left it there and he didn't go back to the body....It didn't seem like he was eating it. Just gutting it. The end of this month he will be five months and I'm going to have him neutered / microchipped / etc. Hoping that helps. I wanted to wait a bit so it wouldn't affect his growth, any ideas on that? But I think it will help in his puppy playing ways with poultry.

In the meantime, I will be keeping him in a seperate area. How long should I keep him segregated while unsupervised? My only secure place for him is a Dog Run that's about 12' X 12". Not ideal, but has 9 foot high fencing and is very secure. Poor Pup!

Thanks a nuch guys for your advice.
Oh no! I'm so sorry for your loss! That had to be so horrible....
I don't know what I would do in that instance. I know this sounds gross, but a guy at my work said his Grandpa would tie the dead chicken around the dog's neck for a few days till it was good and stinky and the dog would never touch a chicken again. I don't know about that...*sigh*
My girl came from a shelter so she was already spayed, microchipped and the works. Tonight I left her off leash while I made a lap around my house to check on the plants, etc. She saw The Tribe (Guineas) running across the grass and she made a slight motion to go towards them. I said super firmly, "NO" and she dropped down, turned and trotted to me. Needless to say I praised her like crazy and I'm slightly encouraged.
I hope that your boy will get the hang of it! Any experts out there to lend some advice??? Thank you all!

I have two LGDs, a Great Pyrenees and a Great Pyrenees/Great Dane cross. They are both young female dogs (the Pyr is not quite a year old, the Pyr/Dane a year-and-a-half). The Pyr/Dane is the assertive, dominant, leader of the two, and the Pyr is very invested in pleasing her. I understand that young LGDs need to mature into their roles and that before reaching this maturation they often cannot resist the impulse to kill chickens. I have the two dogs fenced in with the goats and away from the chickens, geese, and turkeys, but each time a bird flies over the pasture fence the dogs immediately kill the bird. When I see this and when I see the dogs eyeing the birds I act to strongly discourage the action, but when I am not outside, the two dogs reinforce each other's chicken-killing behavior. My question: Because the two dogs are together and strongly bonded, is it easier for them to disregard my stop-killing-the-birds rule? Will they continue to kill birds because they are together? Should I separate them in the hope that this behavior will be simpler to eradicate in each dog as an individual?

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