My sweet houdan, Beyonce' hasn't laid eggs in a couple weeks and she is starting to lose some feathers. I thought she was molting. I saw some white specks on her feathers last night but chalked it up to just being some bits of wood shavings from the bedding. Today when I picked her up to return her to the coop I saw a clearish white looking little crawly thing ON MY ARM right after putting her down.'s LICE! I have some Adams Flea and Tick dip on the way that I ordered. I was curious, how much of that do I need to mix up to dip my hens? .I have two other hens in the same coop with Beyonce' which I plan to to treat as well...but I also have three 8 week old pullets in a separate coop and run. Do you think I need to treat the babies too? Will that be safe for them at 8 weeks? Also....what about my eggs? Can they still be eaten with this treatment? I think I read that you could but I can't remember where I saw that. Any help would be appreciated.