Lice & Mites - Anyone Tried This Product?

Please don't use this around any animals. It's basically the compound found in moth balls and toilet bowl hangers. I have exotic birds and asked my vet about this product and she nearly flipped her wig. She said to never, ever use them.

The best defense against lice and mites is to watch your chickens for any signs of infestation and keep the wild birds out of the runs. When the wild birds come in to eat the corn or scratch they leave their passengers (mites and lice) behind. Also remember to ALWAYS quarantine any new birds you want to add to your flock for 2 weeks. I feel comfortable with that amount of time some might like more and some less.
Just posted what I do to keep lice at bay and under control on my blog: Hope it helps give you some ideas...
Thanx for the Orange Guard info. I hadn't heard of it before. I just went to their website to read up . . . sounds like something I definitely need to get. Not just for the coop, but for around the house, too!

I have lots of unopened Sevin dust and spray - I just can't bring myself to use all the chemicals.

As far as the paradichlobenzene goes, I'm really surprised to see it on the Drs. Foster-Smith website - now that I know more about it.
Thanx for the Orange Guard info. I hadn't heard of it before. I just went to their website to read up . . . sounds like something I definitely need to get. Not just for the coop, but for around the house, too!

I have lots of unopened Sevin dust and spray - I just can't bring myself to use all the chemicals.

As far as the paradichlobenzene goes, I'm really surprised to see it on the Drs. Foster-Smith website - now that I know more about it.

I haven't tried Orange Guard- but it is on my list to try someday. For me if Speckled Hen says it's good, then ooohh it must be good.
For this to work effectively, it needs to be in an enclosed space. Of course that would mean the bird would have to be enclosed to and would probably hurt the bird. It probably would not hurt the bird if used in a ventilated coop, but it also probably wouldn't control any insects either. Looks like a gimmick to me.

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