Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

Sorry to hear about being "framed" as a cheater Gwen, especially for the kiddo's involved. Sounds like everyone had a real good time, good job on keeping your cool, you know He's proud of ya. Can't wait to hear again from ya soon.
If you don't want to call her on it then is there a way to change the rules next year? To somehow put a person with no ties to anyone in the game in charge? so sorry and angry that you would be treated this way.
I know...I've been thinking about this...and there's not word against hers..I figured, if someone was cheating they wouldn't hide the evidence in the goody bag..??? .and it would get it's not worth it to me...however...there is next year....

Next year, well...

I'm open to ideas. I want it fair, without being just stringent, so I've got time to rack my brains...
course, this is a woman who doesn't seem to like me anyway...
could go on about that...but I realize, everyone isn't going to like me, while that is not easy to swallow, it is a true statement.

Now, I want to talk about the weather...we are cold! And I love it! The wind is whipping today, and I've backed up to the stove all morning...had a chill deep in my bones...the Rev. has laughed at me, but it's true...

GREAT NEWS!! Ticket sales today have came in and it looks like we have (the church folk and us) have PAID OFF the church van!

Now we may have to have a fundraiser just to buy propane...goodness it's expensive! At least the gas price has gone down...there's places in Arkansas that is under $2 now!
saw $1.98 and $1.97 on the news....
Whew....when I think about the amount of money we've funneled into our gas tanks...
I'll never forget a Walton show where the Baldwin sisters were discussing the gas rations...and Mamie looked at Emily...and said, "Why, Sister we just filled up last "Spring"!!! now it is Fall or Winter...anyway....can you imagine?
Even as ministers we had to cut back on personal because you can't cut back on the Ministerial side of travel.
Hospitals, funerals, weddings, births, sick, nursing homes, ....oh, the list is endless....but, people do find comfort in their minister when in times of stress....I do love to be "needed".
Oh, I'm going to take pictures of my doughnuts tomorrow...they were awesome!!!
Well, my little ones are all quiet, stories have been read, prayers heard, and kisses given. Now, Mommy is going to curl up and relax for a little while...
Ya'll Come
My dear Gwen, I, too am enjoying the "cold".Wood furnace is blowing out too much heat right now though. Dh must have filled it to the brim before we retired for the night so now I am up about sweating!! One good thing...with burning wood you can open the doors and windows and not worry about dollar signs floating out!
I would keep an eye on this woman in your church. If she has done this to you ..she has done this to others. How frightening to think of this "good christian" woman among the innocent. Do not keep this to yourself. Share your disappointment in a close member (besides the Rev.)so there are other eyes watching out.
Isn't it wonderful about the gas prices? Sad to think we are getting excited over gas prices coming down to under two dollars isn't it? I suspect things will still get a whole lot worse. Keep the faith and stay warm my friend.

Hello Friends!
I'm so excited! The Rev. is going to go in to the bank tomorrow and hand them a check that will pay off the church van!!

The Lord has truly blessed! I cannot tell you of all I saw....yes, I was and am tired.
My Saturday began about 5:00 am...I sat up in the bed at 4:00am and remembered that the fellowship hall had not been mopped....I knew that the women were coming at Noon...and you can't mop with feet everywhere...and I had to start the beans cooking.... 40lbs worth with a huge smoked ham cut up...I had 2 huge pots in the fellowship hall and 3 more on the stove at the parsonage...
Each of the ladies made 36 cornbread muffins...I made a little more...
was afraid we might not have enough.
Sheet cakes for dessert....
Coleslaw was 40 lbs of cabbage and 6 lbs of carrots, with some purple onions mixed in. A gallon of miracle whip....s little sugar....
Oh the list goes on...but I had very dear ladies helping me. I have worked on the scripture...."heap coals of fire..." on a certain person, and she has been a dear...maybe I haven't spent enough time with her, or praising her..I don't know ... but it is working...

Met lots of people, fried taters, washed dishes, served, and tried my best to direct with a gentle hand...I wasn't bossing grippy...I promise...
I was in dishwater up to my elbows, sweeping the name it...I did whatever I asked the others to do. Had time to change clothes and
Then went on it to church...had to take my shoes feet were killing home, and crawled in the bed about 11:00 that night...
my goodness...I sure enjoyed that extra hour this morning...felt luxurious!
I didn't crack an eyelid till 5 till 7 this morning...then realized it was 5 till 6....ooohhhh....stretched and just laid there...and counted my blessing....not one pain came from my feet...the money had been counted and turned in to the bank....and I felt wonderful...(still do)...
And do you know, I came up with another fundraiser idea beside the donut idea....
first I want a warming the fellowship hall...I think I will try to have a fundraiser for that.
My goodness...we scrambled to keep everything pipping hot when the folks came to eat! 200!! Whoo hoo!

The revival is going's great!
Well, I really need to get off here an plan a menu...

We are taking night by night now...
Well, I believe I better say night...oh yes, the Rev. has been walking in "tall cotton"!!

Ya'll come
The Parsons Wife
Good job!! Love hearing the smile in your voice as I read your post! sounds like you had a very fullfilling and rewarding time.
Now we pray the van continues to run smoothly now that it will be paid off.

It also sounds like you are feeling better? Praise the Lord for that!
Gwen I love it that your busy but I been really praying for your health so don't forget to take time for you.

We have a tried but true fundraiser every 3 or 4 months and get at least $1000.00 clear out of it. We have a pasty sale.

A Pasty is like a meat pie only it has it's own crust. Meat, potatoes, onions, rutabeggies, carrots and various spices all contained in a nice flakey eatable crust. They are nice for when you are going to have some really busy nights as you just freeze them and pop them in the oven and in 35 or 40 minutes you have a nice quick meal. You don't even have to have a side dish or a bread as it is a meal in itself.

I made 100 for when I had this surgery and they were gone before the surgery. Go figure, went to make one for the boy and no pasties. Girls came and cleaned me out. LOL. He had a sandwich but I won't be living it down that the girls didn't leave him any LOL.

Back to the fund raiser. We take pre orders from everyone in the group and then pick a day to get together and do all the slicing and diceing and making of the crust. Then the next day we get together mix everything and roll and go. We have 6 convection ovens so they make it nice as we can cook 6 large pans at a time, clean up isn't bad as we use parchment paper on the pans. When they cool down completely we place them in white wax coated paper bags and staple them shut and they can be frozen just like that. We always make extra so that we can have some in the freezer at our groups hall. We sell them for $3. each and that makes a nice meal.

You might want to think about that as it always makes a nice fall meal. You might have to have a pasty night at church so everyone can taste them before you try them as a fundraiser LOL.

Glad your busy but remember to take care of you as well. Keeping you in my prayers.
ZooKeeper- I would really be interested in more information...

I had another idea today too...
my little neice emailed me pictures of their Harvest trip...the library did a lovely story trip through the's kinda hard to explain...
but I thought we could do the same...only tell Bible stories at each station, or my favorite....take them on a journey through Bethlehem.... each station would have a scene and a person dressed accordingly...set up with lights...etc...
anyway...I've got lots of ideas...and time...well, she runs shy on me.

Thank you for your concern for me....I haven't taken time for myself lately, but it's ok. I'm fine, and I'm going to be fine. And the doctor will tell me that next month! I have no doubt.

Well, my little feller is sick...I better go...
Jean, please post your recipe for the pasty pies...would love to know more. Is it like making a stew but encasing it in pastry? Sounds wonderful!!

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