Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

sooooo cute
Work, work, work....

We have a fellowship meeting at our church tonight. We always serve refreshments afterwards, and this time we are also going to have a bakesale. (It will still be free food, but a table of goodies for sale too!)
I've got to go mop the fellowship hall, the ladies who had a baby shower last time...did NOT clean up!

I've already got several of my goodies bakes:
german choc. cake
2 cheese cakes (cherry toppings)
2 choc chip cookie cakes (haven't iced these yet...gotta think of something cute)
fudge or brownies...can't decide about this either, and running out of time.

I've got to get the sandwiches made up for the refreshments...tuna salad & egg salad w/ chips and drinks...will make cookies for the desserts!
So, here I sit...taking a break, reading post, and wondering if the floor in the fellowship hall is 'really' that dirty?

My chicks have made it very well thru the storms...the worst problem seems to be the neighbors dogs sitting around the outside of the fence with their tongues lagging...I've ran off 3 this morning alone! One, I have never seen before...a huge german shepherd, friendly fellow...hate to holler at them.... :eek:

My husband called back this morning to tell me to watch the water..."water?", I said...I mean...solid little lakes here now, and the swamp is just part of the yard now...
"What water honey?", I asked
Apparently the river is set to crest around 3:00 will be 5 ft over the levee's....if they hold...there has been lots of talk around here about how they are weak, repairs were made in more populated (wealthier) areas along the river. I live 4 miles from the river...don't think it will get this long as the levee's hold.
Water, water, everywhere water! I had noticed trailor houses going past all is easier to pay $1500 to move them for a week or so, than try to repair and some things cannot be replaced. (These houses are along the river that are being moved)
You might be interested to note, that in an earlier post I mentioned to my husband I was tired of arriving at church with soggy shoes and stockings....(the sidewalk stays underwater with a drizzle!) He came home the other day with a pair of, I'm not kidding...He was so excited...said they would fit me!
They are a lovely faded red! Actually, they might see some use today! I bought myself a lovely pair of shoes for Easter, and I'm wearing them tonight! Would have, uhmm, let's just say, "not very spiritual" thoughts tonight if they got wet!!

Well, I smell my cake....and the works awaiting...
Have a lovely week-end!

I decided to add a photo of the boots....he he he
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Catastrophy! My chickens are dead. Two dogs got in (those strays I mentioned in an earlier post). They did not leave ANY alive.
Only the babies in the cage were left.
8 Silkies
2 Dominiques

It happened this morning. I had just feed and watered them, came inside.....looked out the window....and.

DH is not here. He's in class, till late! I've gathered up the remains. They just killed them, all! Just for the fun, I guess.


Bamachicken, when you get back....please keep me on your list....
I loved my silkies.
Oh no! That's simply horrid. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sadly, when a dog is a chicken killer, they typically kill indiscriminantly like you experienced. Please, when you feel better, ask some questions about how you might protect your flock for the future. There are always ideas and things that we can't think of on our own and I'm sure others will share gladly.

Oh, Gwen, I am so, so sorry. I wish we lived closer to help out there. How close are your neighbors? You poor thing, how in the world did they get them? When things settle down ...know that people will send you more birds. I def. am saving this pair of silkies for you. Somehow we will get them to you when you can take them.

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