Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

Tell them in a calm but firm manner that you expect them to at least keep the dogs up or replace your birds. We do teach people how to treat us. Like I said in my pm...tears will help show the chickens value, too.
i would call the town council and state that your neighbour's dog killed your livestock and that you demand that they reimburse you with the costs of feed, future eggs, ect.
Going over their head to the authorities is typically not necessary. One of the best ways to keep good neighbors is to go to them first with any problem rather than going over their heads. Usually, a problem getting resolved between friends makes for a stronger friendship long term. For instance, my b/f's dog was attacked by his neighbors two dogs and was severely injured. He informed the woman, and while she wasn't sure they were capable of such an attack, she eventually saw the light of day and is very sorry for the actions of her dogs. She volunteered to pay the vet bills and is still a very kind and sweet neighbor to have. Things happen. Good people will want to resolve it. Give them a chance.
I am so sorry. I would be so devistated to lose my girls. I'm really sorry for your daughter ... it is really hard for children to have to learn about senseless violence.

I agree with the others that you need to talk with your neighbors and give them the opportunity to do the right thing and so they are aware their dogs are running loose and could kill other animals.

My prayers and thoughts are with you through this terrible time.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You were so kind to post your condolences when I lost Ms. Broody this week. I know the pain and disbelief of losing one - I can't imagine losing them all. I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry about the loss of your chickens.
Listen to Speckledhen.
I really do appreciate all the kind thoughts. I'm going to tell them myself, I will do my best to explain to them, when I find the owners...which is possibly going to be difficult..I guess I should explain.

I live in the middle of cottonfield. A main road in front of the parsonage, and a dirt road running behind us. Down this road about 1/2 mile are trailor houses the farmer who owns the land has bought and put in for his workers. This is where we believe the dogs are coming from...they come from that direction. I have been down this road once, asking about another problem...and the workers all said they could not speak English, but I am going to try again.

The church people were all very sympathetic....some (menfolk) were teasing saying that the dog had done got religion and turned into a preacher....(the old joke about preachers love chicken) and then that evening a man, who is very quiet, very nice....the red dog was back crying on the front porch as we were dismissing church, the man joked and said...he's back for some mashed taters.
And I can tell you honestly, I was able to laugh, a little, about it. Which was a relief because I have been so tense and upset about the senseless killing.
I must say...they did not make any of these comments in front of the children. The hugged them and told them they were so sorry when the children were telling of their sorrow.
We live outside city limits, there is no dog pound, and I have no heart for inflicting pain (beyond a mop or broom waved in their direction)...I know I'm a weakling, especially when they drop and roll on their backs, whimper, and hunker down. Which makes me mad at whoever owns them.
My nephew told me of a product available at Wal-marts, called "pet-keep away" or something like that. It's in a pellet form and you sprinkle around the area you don't want pets (cats, dogs) around, he sprinkled it around the garage, neighbor cats kept getting on his truck, he said it worked you apply it a coupla times a year. I was thinking about sprinkling this around the outside of the coop, plus all the other measures we are taking figured it was worth a try.

I am going to keep raising chickens. I have 17 babies chirping away in the sunroom, and one little banty egg on day 19!!

I'm going to buy more silkie eggs. These are my favorite by far. I also enjoyed the Dominiques...they had a more docile nature which was pleasant. Oh, but I dearly love the beautiful silkies. Poor little Ms. Wiggy, she was a favorite of ours because she looked like she had a bad wig on. She was a splash. I think I put pictures of her on a post a little while back.

We are going to re-inforce our chicken pen with boards around the bottom, and we are going to go ahead and put wire across the top of it, as well. We have seen hawks in our area, not here, but down the road and we are taking all precautions, while still allowing the chickens some freedom.
Good luck with everything. I know you'll try your best. Maybe someone in your congregation speaks the language of the farmer's employees? You never know how events are linked together - and maybe this will lead you somewhere God wants you to go - or to some person who needs your help? You just never know. Keep your chin up.

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