Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

I've had a crazy day! Can't tell you about my morning...just suffice it to say it was 'weird'!

Went to get groceries at Piggly Wiggly, my son calls it Piggy Wiggy...
Ran into some folks who knew I thought! While this is not fact, it's common place in small town America...but this is not my small town....I still don't know lots of people...but these folks thought they knew me...I really hate to forget folks name, but sometimes it's awkard to say, "And you are?" Well they just chatted, and asked about the family...and as we were leaving said...good to see you Ms. Nancy....ouch! That was a hoot! Who's Nancy?!!!
See I grew up in small town America...when I worked at the grocery store, which was a great place to pick up all the gossip..
... I mean informative information, about your was a regular Saturday occurance for someone to come in and ask me did they want them to put 'Lightnen" (Yes, it's spelled right) in the back of my truck or drop him off at the brother coon hunts on Friday get lost from him...and ...well, there's Lightnen, tongue a hanging in the back of my truck...I take a break and run him home. Or, "oh you look just like your momma!" oh, here's another regular statement, "oh, you've you remember me?" (course not!...I was a baby!) We had a lot of fun working in the grocery store. People watching! Had a thrill one time that really 'shook me up'...a shoplifter!
One day a large man in colorful spandex, (that's a clue he's from out of town) marched in, went straight to the cigeratte rack and commenced to filling his drawers with CARTONS of cigarettes! I was shook up...I mean right there in front of God and everybody...he's calmly filling his pants with contraband! I picked up the mic, paged my cousin, who was the manager, and managed to squeak out "Price check on Pickles, please"...(This was our code for SOS!) Here comes my cousin...looking like he was going pass out any second! Wiping the sweat from his forehead, eyes rolling (1st time since I worked there it had ever been used) My cousin asked me to call Barney...(this was a constable, we teased him unmercifully) We watched him finish, and head to my lane...(course I was the only one open, duh!) place a pack of Big Red on the counter, and wait for me to give him a tally. Somedays, I'm just not a quick thinker, this was not one of them...I was on my toes! I coolly (I really squeaked and quivered) asked him '"if that would be all, or was the 12 cartons of Winstons on a seperated order?" He looked up at me...and I played the dumb blond trick...there I was, ponytail, jeanskirt, & flipflops, I kinda got a vacant look in my eyes...this man then saw Barney pull up in his El Camino with the blue light on top....he took off out of the store, bowled over my cousin, and ran out the doors...Barney was trying to pull his gun, and hollering " better stop!" I have that scene in my mind till the day I die!" I knew this would give Barney bragging rights for at least 2 weeks! It did...I was so shook didn't even bother me to hear his 'heroic' part in the rescue...(oh, he told it with a little different take) for the first 4 or 5 days.
I like knowing everybody...and granted that means they know you, know where you went, and with who! Especially when your the preachers daughter! I set ears to spinning when they heard I was dating a Marine!
(Course they found out later he was a minister...) I did enjoy the looks...maybe I really am wicked?
So, memory lane seems to follow me around...and I hope I keep making memories...It's been quite a trip thus far.

My little banty egg is on day signs or sounds....

Thanks for listening,
The ParsonsWife
I too worked in our small town grocery store and it was a very good place to get all the "informative information" about everyone in town! I have great memories from working there! There's nothing better than a small town!!!
Small town America is wonderful. My sister is a beautician and works on one end of town, I work at the community college on the other end of town. I have 3 sons and she has 2 and we have always told them we've got the town covered from one end to the other so if you do something wrong we're going to know and we'd better hear about it from you before someone tells one of us. But, as you all know, beauty shop talk moves fast and we usually knew about their transgression almost before they'd thought of it

(Formerly 1iahawkfan)

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My little banty egg is wiggling! No signs of pipping...but it's wiggling!

Empty Nest...I like how you have the town covered! What do you do at the college?
My little banty egg is wiggling! No signs of pipping...but it's wiggling

Did your little banty wiggle out yet

Empty Nest...I like how you have the town covered! What do you do at the college?

I'm the secretary to the president and board of directors. I reallly enjoy my job but my true love is being at home on my 12 acres. I actually live on a dead end road and a lot of times when I go home on Friday night I don't leave again until I go to work on Monday morning. I plant a huge garden every summer, have lots of flower beds (weeding is very good for stress relief
), an orchard with cherry, apple, pear, and peach trees and do alot of canning and freezing.

And, now, I've got a new hobby
The little chick has pipped! I got up this morning, (yes, I actually slept! and there was a good opening...and more every little bit...this one will be named "Grit", she (yes, I'm hoping...but it matters not, it will stay) She is the sole survivor of 12, and managed to overcome temp fluctuations. Now, we are just waiting for her appearence here on the Rev.'s farm.
"Nitty Gritty" has just made her appearance! She's so little!
She's a hard worker! Silkieluvr...can you tell which kind she is yet?

We are all thrilled, my children have been shouting & running!

Even as little as she is, it's still amazing she came out of that tiny egg!

Here's pic.'s


I will take more pic.'s when she has dried off...

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