Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

Good job
Whew...wish there was a smilie for wiping sweat away. Just played a little softball with my little family...can you say "out of shape?"

It was a good day, the little chick seems to getting stronger neck muscles...still not there yet though.
The other little chicks (they survived because they were in a sturdy rabbit cage) had a little time on the grass today...they loved it! (we were there at all time.) So glad they are with us.
Yogiman remined me of all day singings & dinners on the ground! Yes, we still do those...though we have the dinner in the fellowship hall now. We are getting ready for a spring revival...boy do I have stories to tell about revivals!
My how time does fly. My first love was one of our evangelist son...I was engaged (briefly) to an evangelist.(years later)..didn't really see myself as an evangelist here I am a pastors wife..

Yes...I won't mention his name (my first sweetheart) but he was short, dark, and handsome....he was a Native American..and his dad did not want him to date a 'white' girl...broke my heart. I think I was 13...
I mean, I think I was allowed to hold hands at that time...and he could walk me to my car....

Why was everyone scared of my dad? I had several guys tell me they thought he had secret line to God...who has the all seeing eye....

My dad had a list of rules before they could even come to the door...I think I will be the same way....especially as my children get older...
neatly dressed and groomed...had to know the boy....and parents...and no....oh never mind...the list was endless....

I thought one of the boys I dated was going to pass out the first time he came to pick me up...there was momma in her apron, dad sitting in "his chair"...and my brothers roaming around looking 'tough'...oh yes, they loved the usually made them behave!
My darling husband went thru hoops to be with me! Dad completely refused at first, they had to be 'swayed'...met him several times..his family....he wrote them a letter....oh, my husband is good with words...
My husband asked me to marry him on a Monday night...after he had been given blessings by my family...we had church on that wednesday night...we had not announced it to the church yet...
but my younger's the mental image : tall, 6'2, slim, wranglers, western shirt, rodeo belt buckle, boots, and a cowboy hat hanging in the entrance.....he talks slow with a drawl....
We were having testimony service...he stands to his feet (about 35 40 folks there that night) and says: "Well I had something good and something bad happen to me this week, first I finally got my sister married off, and the bad thing cost me $20 dollars to talk him into it!" You could have heard a pin drop...and then Daryl, my soon-to-be DH....burst into laughter...and so did everyone else....EXCEPT me!

Oh my....little brothers...I dearly love him. He cried the day we put my stuff in the U-haul, and my darling drove me to Camp Lejeune, NC.
Course so did dad, mom, and me, trying to be brave...lips & chin quivering...trying to smile..had jelly for legs, my stomach knotted up. my new husband trying to rush me up...and got in the car...boy did the waterworks turn on then

That was the first time I ever saw the ocean! Couldn't believe it...still amazes me today when I think of it. The stress of the wedding, leaving family, beginning my new home...I was sick as a dog for about 2 weeks!
Then we hadn't been in NC for maybe, 3 weeks...he came home packed his rucksack..and reported back to the base about 2 hours later. Left me alone for 3 weeks the first time. That was the first time I had ever spent the night by myself! Every light was on, the radio going, phone laying beside me on the couch...I couldn't talk myself into going to the bed till the 2nd week...called my parents in the middle of the night several times...oh my....we enjoyed our years in the military...but the nights alone...never easy. To all military families in BYC land...I salute you! We also always pray for the troops.




Where you see the trees...that is the swamp. They call it a different name here...can't remember it...but it is mosquito heaven.
Well I've rattled enough tonight...
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If we can find someone to relay these silkies to you I will send you some. They are worth their weight in gold. They are large ducks but very quiet ducks. Just need a kiddie pool to take a bath and they are set to go. They are gentle and the best duck to have with kids. I will see if I can find a pic and post it here for you.
Ok, here you go, here is a black and white one. I have lavenders, black and whites and one of our favs..a chocolate.
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Wow! See...learn something everyday! Good with children, and help with the mosquito population....where can I get them?

We had to stop our softball game, because the mosquitoes were swirling around our heads in hordes!
I had been told when I first have the children wear long sleeves, long skirts/pant, and load up on the spray...then wrap yourself in a blanket, cover your face (except your eyeballs) and that's how they watch the 4th of July displays here!

They tell a joke around here:
These 2 men were sleeping out at a campsite...overheard two mosquitoes mosquito said to the other..
"Do you want to carry them home or eat them here?"
the other mosquito replied "Oh no...lets eat them here, the big ones will take them away from us if we take them home!"
cute two posts.
seriously if anyone can relay some chickens...I promised Gwen a pair of silkies and I can send her a pair of Muscovies if we can find someone to get them down there to her. We can get them to Springfield, MO. if someone else could do a stint going south into Arkansas? Everyone would have to have their own cage for the transport. Any takers?

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