Light Brahma chicks, pullets or rooster ? any ideas, they are 8/9 weeks old

Looking like girls to me, but I'm not an expert.
This is easy at that age. Pick them up by the back, hold them by the back, turn them upside down in your hand. Take your other hand and using your second or third finger aft of the legs, gently press in and run your finger towards the tail. If you can feel two round bumps, thats a male, if convave female. Works fine
I would say girls, but in my experience with Light Brahmas, they can surprise you.

I had a "pullet" who from 1 week old had a larger comb and at 8-9 weeks she had a decent set of comb and wattles. By 20 weeks, we were just about sure "she" was a "he" and we hade made plans to give it away once the crow came.

Well, low and behold, we never did hear a crow, but got our first egg from her last week.

So, the moral of the story is, don't be too quick to assume gender!
My chicks are now coming up for 13 weeks old. Any more ideas on gender ? I am so hoping they are two pullets but i think the bigger one is a roo :(. tail feathers look different. Any comments, ideas most welcome. They are such sweet chickens very tame.

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