Light Brahma droopy tail and lethargic


Jul 22, 2020
My light Brahma hen started presenting with lethargy and a droopy tail last night. She is definitely not egg bound as she lays very large, distinct eggs and has laid both yesterday and today. He abdomen is normal so I don’t think it’s water belly either.

She has hardly left the coop and has either been on the ground or roosting all day. Anyone have any thoughts on what could be wrong?


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Has her crop been empty in the mornings after roosting all night? How does it feel now? What do her poops look like? Can you get her drinking some fresh water and add vitamins/electrolytes or give some Poultry NutriDrench? Will she eat some scrambled egg and wet chicken feed? Have you wormed your chickens recently, and with what? Could the other chickens have kept her from water or food?
Has her crop been empty in the mornings after roosting all night? How does it feel now? What do her poops look like? Can you get her drinking some fresh water and add vitamins/electrolytes or give some Poultry NutriDrench? Will she eat some scrambled egg and wet chicken feed? Have you wormed your chickens recently, and with what? Could the other chickens have kept her from water or food?

Her crop doesn’t seem to be having an issue (couldn’t feel it at all just now). I will have to isolate her tomorrow and try some electrolytes. I have not wormed any of my birds (20), and she is definitely not kept from food or water by the others (she was alone with the food and water in the coop while the others free ranged.
Poop pictures tomorrow could be helpful. A fecal float by your vet might be helpful if there is worms or coccidiosis. Have her eggs looked normal with hard shells?
Poop pictures tomorrow could be helpful. A fecal float by your vet might be helpful if there is worms or coccidiosis. Have her eggs looked normal with hard shells?

her eggs appear normal, but they are quite large (always have been). I’ll try and isolate and get her poop tomorrow
So I think I figured it out. A very mild case of bumble foot and a solid moult coming on. Brought her in the house to soak her feet and the feathers were flying. She’s not lethargic at all and her whole underside is downy. I think it’s that her tail feathers fell out rather than being droopy.

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