Light Brahma--hurt in leg joint

I'm with you 19hh, we have snow piled up so It will probably be Spring before we see melt down to the ground anyway.
Happy to hear that even with a handicap chickens can still have a good life, hopefully Farm _gurls hen will heal and have a good one too, if it's bumble foot that can be treated.

well her joint isnt swollen...but has greenish color on it now.......she is so sweet waits for me every moring to set her out of the hen house ( its 18+ inches off the ground....i think that is the only thing that really worries me, is if i am not home she we stay in hen house all day. it is nice she can fly up and get in every night by her self.

I hope the picture added to this message if not i will try to repost..
Looks like a bruise. Maybe she hit it getting down off the roost. It's hard to say but if the swelling has gone down then I'd say it's on the mend. Why not try a couple of soaks in some epsom salt water warmed. maybe a couple of times a day for a few days and see if that helps.

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