Light source for newly hatched chicks


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 9, 2013
Palouse, WA
We have 3 chicks that hatched on Feb 2nd. I am using a ceramic heat source so there is no light output and because of the cold snap with heavy cloud cover as well as the short days I'm worried the chicks aren't getting enough 'day light' to be eating sufficiently. Any thoughts, ideas or recommendations?
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We have electricity, so I can easily add a light on a timer, I just wasn't sure if this was necessary or not.

They are french black copper maran chicks :)
i think it would be best to have them as close as possible to nature as you can and that includes the light. they also only eat when it is day time. they may not be getting all they need. they are cute chicks but not what i have because i had no marens in my flock.

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