Lighting at night makes chicks grow


In the Brooder
Apr 16, 2020
I’ve hatched 11 chicks with my broody hen they are 10 days old now growth rate is kind of slow I’ve heard having light on at night makes them grow faster is that true
No. Good genetics, good food, clean water, a warm safe environment those make chicks grow. A light on at night for chicks not being raised by a broody hen makes them stay awake a lot more....they eat when awake so maybe that is where that thought comes from.

My broody raised birds tend to live longer than those raised with a heat lamp....
No. Good genetics, good food, clean water, a warm safe environment those make chicks grow. A light on at night for chicks not being raised by a broody hen makes them stay awake a lot more....they eat when awake so maybe that is where that thought comes from.

My broody raised birds tend to live longer than those raised with a heat lamp....
Ah I see thank you so much ❤️ that’s true the chickens I bought from hatcheries didn’t live that long and also had various problems during their lifetimes than my broody raise ones

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