
In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 17, 2012
Silex, Mo
OK, I hope someone see's this so I can get some advice,, I've had chickens for a whole 3 days now. They are doing great but didn't lay for the first few days, I bought them from a farmer that had different age groups. I have 1 really cool Rooster that is a Black Cooper Marans , 3 Rhode island Red's, 2 Barred Rock, 2 Black Sex Links,5 Red Sex Links, 1 Araucana. 8 are of laying age and the rest will start in a few weeks. well not the anyway this is my QUESTION: I know finally right,,, I have a 5 x 12 room with a 8 foot tall ceiling, NO WINDOWS because it is in a barn, it is a really great space I have a great door and roosting spots and a row of nest boxes,( you can see those in my avatar) I until today had no lights because I had no access to electric, I fixed that problem and now have a light, One so I can see to gather eggs and two so they have light, I have a screen door for me to walk into the coop area, it has a spring to pull the door closed behind me and a lock so no critters get in,, Not that they will. They have to walk past 6 Rottweilers( Im a Rottweiler Breeder) to get to the area the chickens are as it is an interior room. So finally my Question: What time should I turn on the light for them in the am, Im guessing about 5.00am and turn it off 30 mins or so after the sun goes down. here is why I ask, I see all the other answers but you all have windows I don't... But the pop hole and the screen door along with the ceiling design create a great air draft for ventilation but absolutely no outside light from the days sun. Please help I hope I got to the question without going on and on.. but this I a question I really need an answer for .. Thanks Denny
Hmmm, even with the good ventilation, I'd rather they have some natural sunlight....but, since I guess that isn't an option, I would suggest getting a timer, a good light with a great natural light bulb, and a night light. If you have an outlet in the room, it's really easy! Walmart has the timers for like $5.00-$10.00 depending on what kind you want, or anyplace like Lowes or Home Depot has them too. You just set the timer to go off and on when you want it to and plug it into the outlet, and then the light into the timer. I use them in my coops for those little night lights, I know, sounds stupid, but I hate the thought of my chickens being out there in the total pitch black at night. So, I would get 2 timers, one for the daylight lamp and another one for a little night light. Anyway, that would be my suggestion. I would adjust them to go along with the natural light outside, and I'd use the most natural light, bulbs you can find. Maybe even grow lights for plants, the color spectrum in the lights might be important for egg laying. I don't know...?? Hope someone else comes along to help with this one!

Oh, and
Thank you, I might see what I can do about getting a window made,, A guy said to cut the size I want reuse the piece I cut out and put a handle of some sort on it and them on the interior wall put that little mesh wire something critters other than bugs can't get through.. thanks again.
That would be a good idea. We actually put windows in one of our coops, then I decided it still needed more ventilation and I cut 2 big pieces out of the back, put hardware cloth across the openings and hinges on the pieces so they open out, and can be propped up. lol
Just remember to use something like hardware cloth because screens can get ripped easily. All our windows are covered with it. Good luck!
I have a chicken tractor that - while it has a good bit of ventilation - gets very little natural light. I turn on a light at about the same time the sun is beginning to come up in the morning and turn it off about an hour later. By that time the sun is fully up and the coop is getting ambient light through the coop door.

I turn it on again at dusk so they can see to get on the roost and turn it off after they're all in the coop and situated. I do need to get a timer and our next coop will have better options for natural light!

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