Liklihood of Respiratory Infection of new hens spreading to original flock question


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 1, 2013
Hi all,

On Sunday I picked 5 hens from a backyard chicken keeper. The 4 speckled sussexes looked fine but the Welsummer he said had a cold and should be kept separate. She is showing only discharge from the nose. She does not eat the fermented feed I give but nibbles on the dry pellet (which is what her previous owner fed her). She is drinking and poop looks normal. So we put the SSs in a sectioned off area of the coop and the Welsummer in a small enclosure in the basement. All 5 hens were in the same fenced off run at his place. After reading like crazy, I want to cull them all even though the SSs dont have symptoms.

But since the SSs have been in the same coop as my 5 hens and 1 roo, is it highly likely whatever they have has transferred?

Please let me know your thoughts.

They may all be exposed now, but that is why it is a good idea to quarantine new birds for a t least 30 days before mixing them. If you can separate the sussex girls, I would in case any of them become symptomatic. Just be on the lookout with the old girls for any signs of respiratory disease such as swelling of the face and eyes, eye bubbles or drainage, nasal drainage, and cough or sneezes. Mycoplasma, infectious bronchiti, and coryza are common. Here is a list of common diseases and treatments:

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