
Yes, worms can cause lameness. Is it one foot, both, how long after the worms did it start? And do you know what type of worm she has?
Yes, worms can cause lameness. Is it one foot, both, how long after the worms did it start? And do you know what type of worm she has?
It’s the ones that look like rice. I’m not sure how long she’s had them, I noticed she had a limp last night and wouldn’t rooste so I quarantined her today and saw worms. Initially I thought she sprained her leg or something. And it’s just one foot. She tries to walk but ends up laying down. She’s eating, drinking, very alert and laid her egg today. I started her on valbazen all my girls have had worms in the past…just never limping.
You're dealing with tapeworms and Valbazen wont get rid of them.
You need to purchase Equimax equine paste at a feed store and dose the tapeworm infected chicken(s) orally. The praziquantel in the paste will kill the tapeworms.
Dosage is 0.03ml per pound of weight or 0.15ml for a 5 pound chicken.
You only need to dose the chicken(s) that are showing the rice-like segments in the feces.
You're dealing with tapeworms and Valbazen wont get rid of them.
You need to purchase Equimax equine paste at a feed store and dose the tapeworm infected chicken(s) orally. The praziquantel in the paste will kill the tapeworms.
Dosage is 0.03ml per pound of weight or 0.15ml for a 5 pound chicken.
You only need to dose the chicken(s) that are showing the rice-like segments in the feces.
Valbazen kills all worms that’s why I specifically bought it. I’m not new to deworming. Just wanted to know about her limping. Thanks.
Worms will not cause limping. Worms eventually weaken birds and then death can occur.
As far as Valbazen goes, I've been using it for years. I just got through worming my birds with it a couple of weeks ago.
From personal experience, it has lost its effectiveness eliminating poultry tapeworms. That's why I use either Equimax or Zimecterin Gold equine pastes to treat tapeworms.
zimectrin gold.jpg th3G3I95CG  equimax.jpg

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