Limping chicken


In the Brooder
Oct 19, 2022
I have a hen about 9 months old that woke up this morning limping. I’ve washed and checked her feet and legs for injury. There is nothing visible at all. Husband and I separated her in a cage within the large pen (keep pecking in line?) with her own water, feed and fresh pine shavings. Does anyone know what it might be or what I should look for? There’s no sign of any sickness either.

Can you examine the leg up into the feathers and look for any swelling redness, or green bruising? Does she hold the leg up or try to put weight on it? Are her toes curled under? Can you try giving her some human vitamin b complex 1/2 tablet daily? Was she vaccinated for anything?
Can you examine the leg up into the feathers and look for any swelling redness, or green bruising? Does she hold the leg up or try to put weight on it? Are her toes curled under? Can you try giving her some human vitamin b complex 1/2 tablet daily? Was she vaccinated for anything?
No she was not vaccinated. Completely organic/pasture raised. There’s no swelling or discoloring that I can see. I also felt gently along her leg into the feathered area to see if she would respond to pain or if I could feel anything. She does curl her toes in and lifts her leg. Wasn’t aware they could have human medicine. I do have a b complex I can dissolve half powdered tablet into her water. Would that work? I pay pretty close attention to my birds so examine them multiple times a day. Caught it immediately. Wondering if maybe she just jumped off her roosting bar wrong and sprained it? I will check again today and see if there’s any discoloration or swelling. I’m at a loss🤷🏻‍♀️ Was hoping someone with more experience would have ideas.

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