Limping hen - bump on inside of one leg


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 6, 2012
Mountains of Tennessee
I have a 3 month old Cuckoo Marans I've had since she was a chick. She didn't limp when she first came here but right after putting her in the coop, she began to limp badly. I've checked her feet, legs, etc. and all I found was a bump on the inside of her knee on the leg she's limping on. I decided to give her some time but it is now two weeks later and she still limps. She eats, moves around and otherwise seems normal.

Any ideas? I didn't think it was broken upon first examination but it has gone on long enough now that I'm suspecting it may be. Is it too late to get a vet involved? This is new territory for me although I've had chickens for 10 years so any suggestions or comments are welcome.
I have a young maran also that has exactly the same thing. Limping with a big lump on her leg/joint. Otherwise healthy. Anyone have any ideas?
Sounds like a fracture and the lump you feel may be callus formation where new bone is being generated around the fracture. It will heal quickly, but the bird may limp forever because the fracture and healing process may leave one leg shorter than the other. I have a guinea that got caught in a live trap and broke her leg as a youngster. I was able to catch it early and brace it, but it still healed shorter than the other and so she limps. I call her Gimpy. She is doing well and keeps up with her flock with no problem. She flies up on the roof and jumps back down easily. This is Gimpy about a month after her fracture, hanging out with her buddy Bubble Butt (the silkie had a large umbilical hernia).

Thank you, Nurse_Turtle. I appreciate your reply. I guess I just have to watch the poor thing limp at this point. Blessedly, none of the others are picking on her.
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Wait a sec--this sounds familier. We had a hen with a broken leg wich was swollen into a bump. We splinted it with black tape and bamboo. I'm not sure how to tell if this is a broken leg or sprained or strained though, so make sure it's broken.
Vet wrap - great idea! So strain, sprain or break, it will be supported. Perfect! Thank you all so much.

We have a 1-1/2 year old splay leg hen who has stumbles around and trips a lot, but who is a great layer (12 eggs in the first 17 days of October). We've been wrapping her upper leg, leaving it wrapped for two days every week, and since we've started that she runs around faster, stumbles less, seems happier, and is laying better.
Here we are exactly one month after my first post about my limping hen. She has healed completely and walks without any trace of a limp. The vet wrap seemed to help although we had a tough time keep it on her. Thought everyone might like to know how it turned out. As always, thank you for all the assistance.

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