limping hen with green poop


8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
Buckley, WA
My black star hen started limping about ten days ago. I confined her to a cage thinking she may have broke or sprained something. Well she is not better at all. She will barely move. She eats and drinks when I put food in front if her. I can't seem to get any pain response from any one region and I can't see any sores or lesions. Now she had green poop. Bright green. It's normal in texture but she does leak white stool as well. I cleaned her bottom off today andbwhen I would wipe near her vent poop would come out with any pressure. She is now also missing feathers back there. She still looks great. Im just at a loss of what to do. The rest of the flock as nd chicks seem fine. One eight week old pullet had blood in her stool today but I think she may have been shedding lining..... Thanks for advise.
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any info on this? I've got a young roo exhibiting the same symptoms now...limping and green poop. I noticed the green poop first, then came limping
I have been having the same problem with one of my young hens for about a week now. Green and white poo with limping and a bad appetite. It seems to have moved to a nearby rooster in a different pen yesterday. I am not sure about his poo but he was limping and laying around. I dont want to worry you but his morning he was dead ;(... I hope we get an answer soon.
Have you wormed your birds or checked for mites/lice...

The limping hen could be egg bound or have internal laying going on. Check your birds abdomens. If they feel skinny you likely have parasites. Treat with Ivermectin (cattle pour on) .2 ml for banties & 1/2 grown chicks, .5 ml for larger birds applied with a needleless syringe directly to the skin on the back of the neck & under each wing (split the dose to the 3 areas). TSC carries this in their livestock meds section. The Ivermectin generic is much cheaper ($15) than the Ivomec namebrand ($40) and is in a red & yellow box.

If the hen's abdomen is hard or hot she is likely egg bound or laying internally. Try soaking her in warm water to see if she begins laying again. If not, feel for an egg that may be stuck. I have not dealt with any egg bound or internal layers yet, so a search on those subjects would be a good idea.
Biker, love your avatar!

The lime/bright green usually means that they have used up all their foot/fat stores, and may die. But this is not dull green that is normal. It's bright.

Measure out the food and water, or watch carefully. They usually look like they're eating but they are really not swallowing any food. Or not enough.

I've panicked over shed linings before. They are usually more orange than red, or just not the same red. To be safe, I treat for coccidiosis. But most with coccidiosis stay to themselves all ruffled up. Most but not all.

I would not know why they are limping, unless it gets worse, and they possibly have to use their wings to help get around.
Biker, love your avatar!

The lime/bright green usually means that they have used up all their foot/fat stores, and may die. But this is not dull green that is normal. It's bright.

Measure out the food and water, or watch carefully. They usually look like they're eating but they are really not swallowing any food. Or not enough.

I've panicked over shed linings before. They are usually more orange than red, or just not the same red. To be safe, I treat for coccidiosis. But most with coccidiosis stay to themselves all ruffled up. Most but not all.

I would not know why they are limping, unless it gets worse, and they possibly have to use their wings to help get around.
I swiped that pic offa facebook...aren't they just so cute...LOL
Any word on this? My hen is exhibiting the same symptoms. She’s stopped eating now though. I thought she might have broken her leg but the green poop throws that idea out. It’s watery dull green poop. She also has a sick smell about her.
Hi, my hen has had a limp for months now, I can't remember how far back. I'd wrapped it with vet wrap, over and over. She'd always get it off, and just pick at it relentlessly until she'd get it off. She seemed to get better, but just had a limp that never actually went away. So I stopped wrapping it. That was probably 6 months ago now. But I noticed her really limping hard again yesterday, so I brought her in, gave her electrolytes and vitamins, and fed her wet and dry lay mash all day. Her poops were small, and kind of wetter, not solid. I put her back out in the evening, and she seemed a lot perkier. Today, when I fed, she stayed where she was and didn't come get food. So I brought her in again and gave her yogurt, egg yolk, and lay mash. And vitamins and electrolytes again. I noticed she was more lethargic and tail down, but with spurts of energy. Apprehensive to eat and drink, but would get excited over the egg yolk. But when she pooped it was wet and green and white. Then she pooped again and it was very wet and very green with white. I posted a picture of it. I know she's looking really bad, but I love her! Any advice on how to save her? No one else is having a problem, only her. I'm about to cook her some eggs to mix with yogurt. Any advice is welcome! Thank you!!


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