Limping quail


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 24, 2012
One of my jumbo quail has developed a bad limp, I have checked it out and found no apparent reason for this, I have isolated the bird as a precaution to the other birds in the aviary, is there a good antibiotic I can treat her with
Not sure about an antibiotic but I have had this happen from time to time. Most common cause in my coturnix quail was bumble foot but haven't had any of that since moving them to different enclosures with solid flooring rather than wire. I do have an old female who appears to have some arthritis in one of her feet and has a slight limp. She also had a period where she went lame due to over breeding and I had to separate her until she recovered and her male has been much better to her since then.

Hopefully someone else will have some better info.
Thanks Del, but I think it's worse than that,been like this for a week now I have isolated her, iv'e heard it can be fatal some sort of virus that attacks the kidneys etc.,
Anyone out there with any info it will be well taken
Hi Del, l couldnt get anti biotic from anywhere, so I have a few left from the last time l had a virus,
I cut two capsules I half and put the powder into a litre of water mixed it up well and put it into the
Quails water bowl, the last two days there has been a marked improvement
I will report further in a few days. Please don't anybody copy this its just a hunch, if it cures me it might help the quail
Well done! A lot of human medicines are similar to those used for animals. We helped a 3 day old chicken who was having a lot of seizures by giving it magnesium and multivitamins mixed in water. And as it grew up was only giving it magnesium if it had a seizure. Unfortunately for poor 'Pepper' he gew up to be a rooster and was blind and possibly intellectually disabled. He lived a short happy life with the other hens and his over protective 'sister' until he finally learnt to crow about 3 months after the others from the same hatch had. So due to living in town we had the euthanize him as he was crowing night and day. Anyway, my point being, it's worth a trying.

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