Limping Running Polish


7 Years
Jul 27, 2015
So I have an 11 week old Polish hen who has been limping for about 3 days but only when she is running across the yard. She does not have any cuts, scrapes, mites, bumble foot, no heat anywhere that would indicate infection. I have given her a good once over and nothing. Otherwise she is 100%. She is not limping when walking and even stands on that one foot and scratches her head with it too. I have given her half a baby aspirin, thinking it was a sprain or pulled muscle but it is still the same not any worse.

In the coop, there are 2 dividers for the nesting boxes and I suspect she may have jumped down on top of one of them so I pulled them out.

So is this very serious and should I be worried or just wait and see if she gets better or worse?

Thanks in advance ☺
I put her in a crate today but at night it was a problem because she was crying and flapping her wings like crazy trying to get up into the coop and to top it off there was a bad storm so I broke down and put her in the coop for the night. Is that bad?
Yes I was wondering that too. Are you supposed to do anything if that happens 🤔
I put her in a crate today but at night it was a problem because she was crying and flapping her wings like crazy trying to get up into the coop and to top it off there was a bad storm so I broke down and put her in the coop for the night. Is that bad?
I'm honestly not sure. If she feels more comfortable there maybe it's better so she's not as stressed. Is she eating and drinking?
Yes she is. I think I'm gonna take her to a vet. She is our favorite . ❤ I'm just so new to all of this!
I took her to the vet and he said she had pulled a tendon. He said she needs more calcium. So I have switched them to layer feed and oyster shell. It has been about 3 weeks and she is still limping but markedly improved. I have also noticed my other polish doing the same thing! I am wondering if maybe it is a predisposed breed issue. 🤔
She is limping again and it is worse! She is on layer feed and oyster shell and egg shells. We have her separated again. This is so frustrating! Anyone have any advice?

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