Do you live near Lincoln Massachusetts
My chick order came wrong. They sent me brown leghorns when I wanted white leghorns
I will trade you 2 from the following list for 2 white leghorn pullet chicks
or I will just buy 2 leghorns from you if you don't want to trade.
These are all pullets
brown leghorns
buff orpingtons
rhode island reds
barred plymouth rocks
silver laced wyandottes
Mine were hatched March 9th
My chick order came wrong. They sent me brown leghorns when I wanted white leghorns
I will trade you 2 from the following list for 2 white leghorn pullet chicks
or I will just buy 2 leghorns from you if you don't want to trade.
These are all pullets
brown leghorns
buff orpingtons
rhode island reds
barred plymouth rocks
silver laced wyandottes
Mine were hatched March 9th