[Link] Call Duck Hatching spreadsheet and calculator

hillsdale ducks

5 Years
Jan 31, 2014
Hillsdale Lake, Kansas
Since this is our first year hatching calls, I have been trying to manage who went into the incubator on what date, when was lockdown and which eggs they were. I had previously been managing everything on paper, but as eggs came in and out of the incubator, it made my notes too messy.

So I threw together a quick spreadsheet on Google Docs, to help me track my hatching. Feel free to download it for your use. I also used conditional formatting to color the cells green, yellow and red to highlight lockdown dates.

Feel free to comment, use for yourself or if you see anything missing let me know.

Playing around yesterday and last night, I made an updated version. This version has countdown days until lockdown and hatch dates, percentage of hatches based on number of eggs per batch and per season.

Everyone here probably has a better way to manage eggs in their incubators, but thought I would share this if it could help anyone.

Updated spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmLb3Axjdb-KdDU4UThPTW12MENKZk9hOGMwRGpnZUE&usp=sharing
Thank you for sharing.

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