List of Materials to Butcher

Leah and peeps

13 Years
Jun 28, 2009
Hi everyone,
what are the tools/materials needed for butchering chickens, top to bottom. And what the tool is used for.
Im trying to get a list together of everything that I'll need, and what to use it for.
If you'd like, you can check out the stickied thread at the top of this forum, it's got a great tutorial.

I also have one in my signature - my blog - that goes through the whole deal. The extent of my tools are a rope, bucket, trash bag, scalpel, a big pot, a sink, and storage bag (I have a vacuum sealer, but have used gallon zip top bags). That's about the bare minimum - the more you get, the easier the process, but it's just extra.
Thanks you lots. Thats a really helpful post
Booker81 your blog is AWESOME. You are very thorough and pics are great. I have found that many people tend to overlook some details because they are so used to butchering. I am SO glad I found this as I may be processing some ducks soon.

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Hi Leah.

Not sure if this will help, but this was the "tent" (it was raining) that we set up for our slaughter day a few weeks ago.


We kinda did a pictorial in my blog, with pics from culling to gutting,..plucking etc. (hand plucking is first processing post, with plucker machine is October processing post)... but it was more fun than informative I think.

Make sure your knives are really sharp! I thought I was prepared but my knives weren't quite sharp enough....

And make sure you have enough room in your freezer!!!....turns out...20 birds takes up a lot more room than I realized

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Booker81 your blog is amazing!! I wish I had seen your step-by-step to processing chickens, before I did it on my own the first time. Thank you so much for taking the time to do that!!! I'll be using it to refresh my memory before next years first batch!

I don't think SHARP knife can be stressed enough. And Jschaaff mentions another useful accessory: Alcohol. Love that blog!
I would heartily suggest that that glass of alcohol be the very last of the processing proceedure ... as in after all is said and done, lift up a glass in celebration.
Sharp knives and alcohol libation during processing = painfull accident waiting to happen.

Thanks so much for the great tutorial!! It may be the best one I've seen so far! I'm planning to start raising my own broilers next year and follow your instructions!

It's great to have BYC and people like you who take the time to share your knowledge!

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