Little Chicken Coffins

Sounds like my husband. When it come to building, feeding, watering, etc. they are all "my chickens." But if go to sell any they are "his" favorites and doesn't want me to sell them!

love the picture you painted! Be happy that he got the chicken bug.....mine only tolerates my chicken 'habit' and it makes things pretty hard

Knowing there are husbands out there that do things like this really brightens the world! Go Gucci chicks!!
If you guys ordered from Mt healthy hatchery you could have gotten your jersey giants and buff orpingtons for about 3 bucks a chick. ahaha. They are quite adorable. Mine are about 5 weeks and their legs are so long!! They look like little chubby road runners. xD

We got some free buff orpington roosters and Rhode island reds. the buffs are HUGE. Way bigger than my ones I got last year. But we got them free because we live close to the hatchery so we picked them up and they do pickups on Wednesday and Sunday. We called on Wednesday and asked if they had Buff Brahmas and Jersey Giant pullets(what I wanted) so they said no come on Sunday. We asked if we needed to place an order and the lady said no. When we went on sunday they were sold out.
So then the guy that was working there said we will ship them to you on Wednesday. My mom said she didn't want to pay for shipping since we lived so close. He shipped them for free and I payed for 3 giants and 3 brahmas and we got 4 brahmas, 5 giants, 3 opringtons roosters, and 2 Rhode Island reds roosters. So they have pretty good customer service and they were nice about it.
Oh my goodness what a great story! That's awesome!

I suspect my DH is smitten with my Faverolles that started out as such an indulgence for me, oh the wife wants a couple fancy French chickens, then he read they could lay pink tinted eggs. Now the girls are making the most adorable little cooing cluck noise when they see him. LOL

Our chicks were 3.99 for a sexed pullet and my Faverolles were 6 because they were already 2 weeks old. I'm willing to pay a little more to a breeder who has dedicated time and money to raising healthy chicks.
Thats what I thought when reading this thread! And then the cuteness factor of the man falling in love with chickens filled me with warm fuzzies. <3
Such a cute story! When it came time for us to get chickens all my boyfriend did was complain complain complain about going to pick them up, and put it off. Then he comes home with them and says "Okay, this one is named Jacob and he is mine. You can have the other one."
Hmmm. I'm a bit surprised at so many people telling me that $5.00 per chick for my Orpingtons is high. I also paid $5.00 each for my Cochins, and $6.00 each for my silkies. However, I bought these all from a local breeder who allowed me to visit her farm and check out all her chickens. She is showing her birds, and is breeding for show birds. I will say that the chicks I bought from her are all 4 or 5 months old now and they are absolutely beautiful representations of their breed. They are gorgeous and appear very close to breed standard, which is important to me because I do want to show.

However, in his overwhelming desire to own Jersey Giants, knowing that the top-of-the-line chicks he purchased wouldn't be available for several more months (the breeder has a long waiting list) my husband found somebody at a poultry show with 12 Jersey Giant chicks for sale at $10.00 per chick. They had bright yellow bottoms to their feet (which we understand is the mark of a Jersey Giant) and a Giant breeder who was at the show showing his birds looked at the chicks and said they look like his Giant chicks, so my husband bought all 12 of them. We have learned a HUGE lesson. These 12 chicks are almost 3 months old now, and they are mutts. Not a single one of them has ANY yellow on the bottoms of their feet (I'm wondering if the seller colored their feet with a yellow highlighter), some of them have absolutely no necks. It's like their head just balances on their shoulders. Some have long graceful tails like Giants should, while some have little short tails like Orpingtons. One rooster's comb is all curled up and really strange looking, and even worse, lots of the birds have "splashes" of bright red or white in their feathers, like d'uccles. If these are Jersey Giants, them I'm an angora goat!!

So, I've decided that it is okay to pay more for potentially show-quality chicks from a reputable breeder who will let me see and discuss her breeding stock, than get cheaper chicks from somebody I don't know and have them turn out to be mutts.

Not that mutts are a bad thing, but I want to breed for show as well as meat and eggs.
I suppose when you put it like that. Just remember, a lot of the show varities don't do as well in the egg laying arena, simply because that's not what the focus of the breeding has been for.

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