Little cockerel learning the ropes.


Sep 29, 2022
My little Australorp, Ronnie Roo AKA Scrawny Ronnie, is about 8-9weeks old. Last evening we decided to sit outside by the fire pit and relax and we were watching the chicks in the run. Sun was setting, the sky was darkening. We became mesmerized by what we were witnessing. Ronnie was slowly and very particularly guiding the other chicks inside the coop! Then he proceeded to come out several times and look around, making sure everyone was inside. He was the last one in the coop! By the time I walked up, they were all roosting and in for the night making all their little sounds.

Question, I’ve noticed Ronnie use to be in the middle of top roost with all the ladies, but now he is usually on the roost below them usually by himself or with a female Australorp by his side. Is that normal for him to be below his ladies roosting? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m thinking he wants to be there to protect the ladies from predators walking below, but then again they may have just told him no boys allowed lol

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