Little Giant Incubator Tricks

Ok. So thanks for the tips. I have 2 that have pipped. So here's the thing, which I'm sure u all know, how can I have more eggs in my bator if there r so many temp variations? Cause I got 12 eggs and more than half were fertile. And I did move them around like I read to and they were on a turner. But these 2 were all that made it because enough died early on that I was able to keep the thermometer with plastic backing on top of them so the heat was perfect in that spot. But here's the thing on the top end it gets to 106 and the middle is where I keep the thermometer and it stays 99.5-100.5 while at the bottom it gets down to 97. Now this is with a fan in it, the LG fan and its a 9300 so the newer one that is digital. I can't even get 12 eggs because one row is so much different than the row with the thermometer.
Ok. So thanks for the tips. I have 2 that have pipped. So here's the thing, which I'm sure u all know, how can I have more eggs in my bator if there r so many temp variations? Cause I got 12 eggs and more than half were fertile. And I did move them around like I read to and they were on a turner. But these 2 were all that made it because enough died early on that I was able to keep the thermometer with plastic backing on top of them so the heat was perfect in that spot. But here's the thing on the top end it gets to 106 and the middle is where I keep the thermometer and it stays 99.5-100.5 while at the bottom it gets down to 97. Now this is with a fan in it, the LG fan and its a 9300 so the newer one that is digital. I can't even get 12 eggs because one row is so much different than the row with the thermometer.

This is a real mystery. What kind of room is the incubator in and what part of the country? I don't know why your temperature is so different with a fan and turner. I have never moved the eggs around in my LG with a fan and turner, but that shouldn't matter all that much because a broody will get off her nest daily for 10 to around 30 minutes to eat, drink and poop. Does the temperature fluctuate in the room you have the incubator in? I used to incubate in my styrofoam incubators but bought a cabinet incubator and the past several years I have incubated in the cabinet but I still use the styrofoam incubators as hatchers. I do keep the temperature steady in the room they are in. ETA: The more eggs in your incubator the steadier the temperature should be.

Some chicks I hatched for a friens.
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Wow that's alot of bators. So I live in Colorado at 6500 ft. I keep them in my second room of my bedroom it fluctuates a bit when the weather turns cold but for the last week and a half I put a blanket over it like I read someone did to keep out the drafts. That helped a bunch for the area I had the eggs under the thermo and it stayed pretty consistent. But it didn't change the different temps everywhere else. So it can't be the room temp.causing all the different temp readings. I try and keep room in low 70s I have a space heater in it that kicks on if gets below 70 since we still have snow days. I took the turner out since 2 days ago at lockdown and so they're in the middle with the thermostat/thermometer on top and heater kicks on at about 98 and off at 100.5 exactly but at the top about a half inch off the ground when the mercury thermo on top of eggs say 100 the other digital thermo at the top reads 105-106. And it's been calibrated also and if anything it's only 2 tenths of a degree off. I really thought the fan would take care of the different areas of temp but it didn't.
Wow that's alot of bators. So I live in Colorado at 6500 ft. I keep them in my second room of my bedroom it fluctuates a bit when the weather turns cold but for the last week and a half I put a blanket over it like I read someone did to keep out the drafts. That helped a bunch for the area I had the eggs under the thermo and it stayed pretty consistent. But it didn't change the different temps everywhere else. So it can't be the room temp.causing all the different temp readings. I try and keep room in low 70s I have a space heater in it that kicks on if gets below 70 since we still have snow days. I took the turner out since 2 days ago at lockdown and so they're in the middle with the thermostat/thermometer on top and heater kicks on at about 98 and off at 100.5 exactly but at the top about a half inch off the ground when the mercury thermo on top of eggs say 100 the other digital thermo at the top reads 105-106. And it's been calibrated also and if anything it's only 2 tenths of a degree off. I really thought the fan would take care of the different areas of temp but it didn't.

Is the fan an LG fan or a computer fan?

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