Little Giant Incubator Tricks

Woke up this morning to find both thermometers showing 124 degrees. UGH

I'm packing it up and exchanging it tomorrow. If that one won't regulate I'm not sure what I can do.....I can't afford to buy another Genesis right now.
doubleatraining! Sorry that you are having such troubles! Maybe you should just try a second unit. Maybe there is just something wrong with that one. The rest of us have had problems but we are able to adjust the temp. GL!

OK so this morning my second merc therm is up to 104. My digital is still holding steady at 100. The original therm that came with the unit says 99. I am worried about the high reading but the other readings are ok. I have one more therm I could throw in there! lol!! I have the therms all in the same place so I don't think it is the fluctuation depending on where you are in the unit. I do wonder though if I should chart what eggs don't make it with each hatch and see if it is a certain quadrant of the unit that does better or worse!

eta: I did not do the bottle cap thing because I read this thread AFTER I started this hatch but I plan to. However I don't like messing with the temp at all. I should not have to in my opinion. Set it and leave it! You get into trouble when you start playing with the temp control on it!!
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I just hatched 31 out of 32 eggs in my LG. The last egg piped but expired before it hatched. I have had many successful hatches in my LG's. I found when adjusting the temperature you have to be very careful and barely turn the temp control just a slight whisker then walk away for awhile and let it stabilize. I think most people adjust and adjust some more but you have to walk away. The thermostat is super sensitive.

Here are some pics that may help. This works for me.
Hi all. I just found this forum. I've hatched out chicken, duck and goose eggs without much detriment in that styrofoam box. It ain't pretty, but it works!

I've got an ancient LG.... So old that I think it was a Miller previously. It's somewhere between 20-25 years old. It spent a decade+ under my mom's house in storage and it ended up with rat gnaws on it....but it still works like a charm. I replaced the viewing windows and the wafers, but the rest of it is quite functional. It has got a turner in it which I only configure 6 of the 7 trays so the thermometers have a spot to rest at the side of the incubator and due to the thermostat and wires I lose an additional 3 egg spaces. I spliced in a Radio Shack computer fan, but I only turn it on to clear out the humidity when the hatch is underway and things get kind of drippy on the windows. The one thing I'm a tad OC on is the thermometers. I've got three in there: One lightweight one which rides on top of the eggs; one Wal-Mart digital which displays both temp and humidity; and one cheap plastic one that is a combo temp and humidity resting on the floor. Between the three I think I have a pretty good handle on what's going on inside. The incubator holds the temps VERY regular and once it's warmed up doesn't need adjustment at all. It's about 101 atop the eggs and 99 on the floor. I set it up in the home office where the temp is a steady 79 in the summer and 75 in the winter.

I live in the desert (Las Vegas) where humidity is an issue....during the summer it's not unusual to have 4% humidity. Keeping one of the channels filled pre-lockdown keeps the humidity all right and then at lockdown I fill up all the channels in the bottom of the tray. At lockdown I move the eggs to cartons for hatching and put down shelf liner, making sure there's a gap where the channels are so I can fill them via the red caps with a bottle/straw so as not to open the incubator. Normally both red caps are in place or one is placed on top covering half the hole (otherwise the humidity drops drastically), but at hatching one or both comes off and the fan goes on to keep the humidty at 70-80%.

Ever marvel at how old Maytags still run while newer machines are in the shop? I'm kind of wondering if those of you with LG problems have newer units.
I don't have LG but have worked on a few.Still air models.The thing that seems to be the Biggest Problem is the temp control Knob.(lets call it POT) The Pot is very coarse adjustment Most are only3/4 turn so a little movement makes big change..Sometimes a quick fix is turn it back and forth 10 times or so .Then put it about where it normally is and see if that helps.Replace the POT with a 5 or 10 turn POT.Recently I replaced the temp controler with a Digital (Incubator Warehouse thermostat) .And put a(Radio Shack) fan in it .Works really well 18 out of 22 first hatch.Only problem it cost more to upgrade than it cost) but it was for Grand Kids..cva34
I don't have LG but have worked on a few.Still air models.The thing that seems to be the Biggest Problem is the temp control Knob.(lets call it POT) The Pot is very coarse adjustment Most are only3/4 turn so a little movement makes big change..Sometimes a quick fix is turn it back and forth 10 times or so .Then put it about where it normally is and see if that helps.Replace the POT with a 5 or 10 turn POT.Recently I replaced the temp controler with a Digital (Incubator Warehouse thermostat) .And put a(Radio Shack) fan in it .Works really well 18 out of 22 first hatch.Only problem it cost more to upgrade than it cost) but it was for Grand Kids..cva34
As for cost, the PC fan is much cheaper than the LG fan. How did you replace the temp controller? I haven't really looked under the hood yet as it's all enclosed.
Your right but I wanted to keep it as simple as possible (no Power supplys) Grandkids you know I even had a couple PC fans and PS laying around.RadioShack 3 in 110vac fan was like 20.00 bucks If I remember right 2 wires to heater, 3 wires at thermostat ,2 at fan, 2 wire incomeing power Wireing was easy Figuring how to mount things in nice neat package was the toughest...cva34
Your right but I wanted to keep it as simple as possible (no Power supplys) Grandkids you know I even had a couple PC fans and PS laying around.RadioShack 3 in 110vac fan was like 20.00 bucks If I remember right 2 wires to heater, 3 wires at thermostat ,2 at fan, 2 wire incomeing power Wireing was easy Figuring how to mount things in nice neat package was the toughest...cva34
Great project though--keeps the creative juices flowing!
I have a question for you LG users!!

As the eggs reach their last days of incubation, they produce heat. Does anyone turn down the heat on the LG or find another way to decrease the heat in the LG?
I adjust the temp with the plugs. When I take out the plugs the humidity will drop so I just add a wet small sponge or two to bring up the humidity. The humidity will go up to 80% to 85% but if you leave it alone it will come back down.

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