Little Help/Advice eggs are Piping


In the Brooder
May 2, 2020
Hello, so one of my eggs that i can see has starting piping there little peck on the shell. Um I guess what im asking is what do i need to not so much do but look out for?
I have two thermometers keeping an eye on the temperature both reading the same temp so that's good. It's at 99.5. If i should raise it? or lower it? Let me know.

Heres one thing i need help with . I have two humidity monitors...both are reading different humidities..One is reading 70% and the other is just above 50%. ANy suggestions? They are in some what different spots in the little incubator.

Also what is ....zipping? I read that term alot on the forum and don't know what it means.
The biggest thing you need to do right now is leave them alone. They need time to absorb their yolk sacs and will just sit there in their shells for a good 12-36 hours. Don't mess with them, it takes a lot of time for a reason!

Keep your temp and humidity constant. If they're hatching then things were good enough to get them to where they are, don't go changing things now! :)

And zipping is the step after pipping. They "zip" the egg top off and then come out. That too will take a lot of time, so patience.

Hopefully you see the theme. :)
The biggest thing you need to do right now is leave them alone. They need time to absorb their yolk sacs and will just sit there in their shells for a good 12-36 hours. Don't mess with them, it takes a lot of time for a reason!

Keep your temp and humidity constant. If they're hatching then things were good enough to get them to where they are, don't go changing things now! :)

And zipping is the step after pipping. They "zip" the egg top off and then come out. That too will take a lot of time, so patience.

Hopefully you see the theme. :)
Yeah. I just wanna make sure things stay where they are temp wise. It's exciting it's my first time hatching my own eggs. Can't wait to see the end result. they are though hatching a day early so that's exciting too. Hatch day is tomorrow. Silly chick so eager to get out lol.
Yeah. I just wanna make sure things stay where they are temp wise. It's exciting it's my first time hatching my own eggs. Can't wait to see the end result. they are though hatching a day early so that's exciting too. Hatch day is tomorrow. Silly chick so eager to get out lol.

Yep it is a wonderful experience, and stressful at the same time! :) Just let nature take it's course, it is very rare for you to ever have to intervene.
After the 'pip', the next thing to happen is the chick makes a circle of breakthroughs all around the end of the egg. I believe that is what is referred to as 'zip' ping.. lol

I just had a lone egg hatch last night around dusk. I even saw a little bloody-ish liquid drop from the pip and freaked out. It was fine tho. The hardest thing to DO is DO NOTHING.. lol :) She/he hatched in 2 hours!
At dark, after I removed the shell, and closed back up incubator as fast as I could, I turned off the light I had next to it and she fell asleep. I checked several times during the night worried cause she was so quiet.
I also thought her legs were splayed (after reading all the horror stories!).. but now that she's awake and running around the 'bator, her legs are fine and getting stronger and straight. Thank god!! I was already figuring out which less sticky tape I was going to use on her legs.. cause she's a Silkie with leg feathers!.. So glad THAT wasn't necessary.
SO... If YOU live for another 18 hours.... You'll be FINE.. :):):) BREATHE. ;)

(Hopefully, you'll have more than ONE chick, like I now have to figure out what to do with... hoping for surrogate mom in a day or two! :)
Keep us posted!
After the 'pip', the next thing to happen is the chick makes a circle of breakthroughs all around the end of the egg. I believe that is what is referred to as 'zip' ping.. lol

I just had a lone egg hatch last night around dusk. I even saw a little bloody-ish liquid drop from the pip and freaked out. It was fine tho. The hardest thing to DO is DO NOTHING.. lol :) She/he hatched in 2 hours!
At dark, after I removed the shell, and closed back up incubator as fast as I could, I turned off the light I had next to it and she fell asleep. I checked several times during the night worried cause she was so quiet.
I also thought her legs were splayed (after reading all the horror stories!).. but now that she's awake and running around the 'bator, her legs are fine and getting stronger and straight. Thank god!! I was already figuring out which less sticky tape I was going to use on her legs.. cause she's a Silkie with leg feathers!.. So glad THAT wasn't necessary.
SO... If YOU live for another 18 hours.... You'll be FINE.. :):):) BREATHE. ;)

(Hopefully, you'll have more than ONE chick, like I now have to figure out what to do with... hoping for surrogate mom in a day or two! :)
Keep us posted!
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Ooo got a second one going now. I have 4 with a Monday hatch date and 3 with a Tuesday hatch date. The dark brown one is the second one starting to pip. It's exciting. Wish I could have kept them in the main incubator but no room for hatching in it. I got my ayami and my silkie eggs in there now. Which arrived early lol.
After the 'pip', the next thing to happen is the chick makes a circle of breakthroughs all around the end of the egg. I believe that is what is referred to as 'zip' ping.. lol

I just had a lone egg hatch last night around dusk. I even saw a little bloody-ish liquid drop from the pip and freaked out. It was fine tho. The hardest thing to DO is DO NOTHING.. lol :) She/he hatched in 2 hours!
At dark, after I removed the shell, and closed back up incubator as fast as I could, I turned off the light I had next to it and she fell asleep. I checked several times during the night worried cause she was so quiet.
I also thought her legs were splayed (after reading all the horror stories!).. but now that she's awake and running around the 'bator, her legs are fine and getting stronger and straight. Thank god!! I was already figuring out which less sticky tape I was going to use on her legs.. cause she's a Silkie with leg feathers!.. So glad THAT wasn't necessary.
SO... If YOU live for another 18 hours.... You'll be FINE.. :):):) BREATHE. ;)

(Hopefully, you'll have more than ONE chick, like I now have to figure out what to do with... hoping for surrogate mom in a day or two! :)
Keep us posted!
View attachment 2120737
question is it better to have the egg laying down while they hatch or fat end up?

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