Little roos or no?


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
So I have 8 chicks currently (had 9 but one BR died at 6 days old RIP :( ) that just turned 3 weeks old yesterday. I moved them to the garage this morning from the bathroom as they were way overcrowded and flying and everything.

Well, we have 1 Barred Rock, 3 Buff Orpington, 2 Black Australorp, and 2 Easter Egger.

I know 3 weeks is probably too early but I've had my suspicions and would like to know if you do too.

From the very first day one EE and one Barred Rock have been the most adventurous and both EEs are now. The EEs were the first to develop wing feathers and then tail feathers and continue to be the fastest to feather out. They have a lot now whereas others are just starting to get tail or back feathers. One this week has been developing chest feathers (white with black flecks, not too interesting), the one I suspected of being a roo, and now one has developed neck feathers. More om that in a bit. From day one one was always loud. At about a week I think or two I held one and it screamed bloody murder for a good several minutes until I put it back. Others would freak for a bit then settle down so I thought I could calm it down too. Nope. Then one night I stuck everyone under MHP and later heard screaming and both EEs were on top, the one I suspected of being a roo right at the front screaming. Wasn't sure if roo or not but suspected they wanted their friends to join them. Put them both back under and were quiet. I thought it was either a roo or noisy hen.

Well now here are the current reasons to suspect (copied from other post with minimal editing so may not completely make sense):

They're still not.old enough to tell if they're roos yet right? The EEs have been the first to be more upright, first to feather out (even as younger chicks they developed their wing feathers first), and one's chest feathers were developing. Well now I'm noticing one is getting neck feathers in. Actually, already has them. Not sure if it's shoulder. Tail is also upright. The one I thought was a roo appears to have a more flat tail so now idk. Both developed tails at the same time and I thought both were upright but only one has a very upright one (the other goes from upright to more down) and red/orange neck feathers. I am hoping neither is a roo. Combs don't appear to be bigger and no wattles. The BR I am not sure on. A little feisty but.could be personality. They are supposedly all females but I would be devastated if 3 of 8 turned out to be roos. I would be even if 1 did as I've gotten attached. We will see.

Do these sound like potential signs of being a rooster or are EEs just more colorful? That's part of why I am asking as I do not know if EEs are just more colorful birds.

I also know it is hard to tell without pictures so I will add some later but I have no good ones.
Yeah, I figured, sorry about that. I just thought maybe someone would be able to until I get some but then again I've seen them all and you haven't so I guess that does make it harder. I will try to get some today or.tomorrow but they all move so fast now. Maybe will get video too to show the walk better and stuff. Sorry for the lack of pictures.

I do have these taken immediately after putting them in the new brooder but they are really blurry plus don't show the back of the neck. Will get better ones. ,














None stand out as being male yet.

Well that's a relief! Thank you!

Also, I got some more pictures and a video when I just put them to bed so will post in a bit. I also picked most up to try to show them the heat and noticed the feathers seem to be rounded not pointed and that's good, right?
Well that's a relief! Thank you!

Also, I got some more pictures and a video when I just put them to bed so will post in a bit. I also picked most up to try to show them the heat and noticed the feathers seem to be rounded not pointed and that's good, right?
They are far too young to have the male specific pointed feathers. Those don't begin to develop until about 10 weeks old, and it can take several more weeks for them to be visible.

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