Little Town TX Chickens


In the Brooder
Jun 25, 2023
Hi, Chicken Lover Community!

I found this site by Googling why my chickens were eating their dust bath even though I provide grit and oyster shell.

I just got my pullets last March 24th and they have just started laying, although not all of them. I have three Black Australorps and two Plymouth Rocks. It's funny to see how "birds of a feather flock together" even though they all came from the same barn stall.

These girls are a bit on the weird side, I had three chickens back in the city, but they were killed by neighborhood dogs :( so this is my second go round and the first time I've had young non-laying hens.

So, I'll probably have a ton of questions!!

Thanks for providing this site that allows others to share the wealth of knowledge with us clueless newbies! :D

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

You may notice that they do this with the bedding in their nests while laying too.
MaeDae on the nest.jpg


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