Local Fresh Eggs Help with Allergies


7 Years
May 19, 2012
Has anyone read anything about local fresh eggs helping with outdoor allergies? They say that local bee honey can help with allergies based on the fact that the bees eat the pollen from the local plants and therefore help you build up immunities but couldnt the same be said about free range local chicken eggs?

I suffer from outdoor allergies and I swear that since I have started eating our eggs from our free range hens they seem to be less.

any thoughts on the subject or am I just crazy?!
I have heard the same thing about local honey. Whether or not the same can be said about eggs is uncertain. It would make sense.

Honey is made from the pollen, eggs are produced by the hens. The process is not the same, since the bees don't eat the nectar to produce the honey, but the whole idea of local products does carry a certain allure.

If it works for you, then...

Perhaps there is nutrition you are getting from your local eggs that is not found in store bought eggs. What a chicken eats will affect the make up of the egg.
I was just wondering this too. I've had sinus infections from allergies every spring and I just noticed that I've avoided it this year.

Only thing that has changed was eating a free ranged egg a day and moving to the country. I also have far more mold over here so I thought it would be worse.
My son has egg allergy, but he's only allergic to store bought eggs including organic eggs and never had problems with our hen's eggs. I always wonder what makes the difference.
Has anyone read anything about local fresh eggs helping with outdoor allergies? They say that local bee honey can help with allergies based on the fact that the bees eat the pollen from the local plants and therefore help you build up immunities but couldnt the same be said about free range local chicken eggs?

I suffer from outdoor allergies and I swear that since I have started eating our eggs from our free range hens they seem to be less.

any thoughts on the subject or am I just crazy?!
No study here but about a month or two ago we started putting one egg each in our dogs foods, one who has major allergies, had to have medicine. Well, when we ran out I noticed he doesn't have the itchies or the stinkies. Thats all that has changed for the poor guy and I call it a win.

Also my son who has slight egg allergies (stomach pain) can eat our backyard eggs without any pain

It's worth a shot for just eating eggs. We get local honey from my dad and I've noticed a difference with both

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