Lock Down at 5 pm


10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
Grand Blanc, MI
Okay... so I went on lockdown today at 5 pm for my ee eggs. I have a split hatch going. I've got the ee eggs due the 25th and duck eggs due the 7th and 9th. My question is do I continue to rotate the duck eggs or not? My humidity is at 55% as of the moment. I'm working on raising it to around 60%. Is this right?
Hmmm- don't know diddly about duck eggs- but when you do a hatch of birds with different times (18, 21, 24...whatever) you start the eggs that take the longest first, and add the rest at appropraite times. That way when you're on lockdown- it's for all of the eggs.
60% I think is perfect for the EEs.

I'm on lockdown too!
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