lock on outside of nest box???


10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Central Indiana
do i need a lock on the outside lid of the nest box? they are protruding from my coop - so i can lift the lid and collect the eggs.

thanks for any advice.

NEW: 3-20-09
i put a closure on it that can be turned and i can put a lock on it - but will i need to. a predator would have to turn it 90 degrees and then lift the lid!!! could a predator do this?
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Why are you concidering it? Do you have a problem with escapees through it? or do you maybe have other critters trying to enter that way? Are other people getting to your eggs? Or just for security and peace of mind?

If the answer to any of these is yes, yeah, i'd lock it.

If it's secure and you feel safe about leaving it unlocked, as long as you are sure, and have complete control and can keep your eye on it, nah, I wouldn't worry about it.
If you have Raccoons - Might be a good idea. Or if you have neighbors like I used to have - definitely!! I couldn't even leave a broom or mop on my carport- They would steal it. Good luck!
i think we have raccoons. never have seen one, but 'something' will get into trash once in a while if we leave it outside and we have seen droppings in our barn -upper floor. never have seen one though!

no...great neighbors. well, if you call them that. we have 3.3 acres - so our neighbors are a ways away.

i did not know if animals can lift a lid to get the eggs????

don't have my chicks yet, but just getting the coop ready!
put locks on the nest box lids,one morning I found piles of feathers in the nest box,blood and feathers on the inside of the nest box lids,and down the outside of the nest boxes..something had intered through the nest box and killed five hens and took them out through the nextbox,raccoons can and will enter through the boxes,,possums and weasels too,,better to be safe than sorry

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