
Hhmm, not sure but should be ok.. Do you have a hydrometer so you can see what the humidity is? They are inexpensive and give you some peace of mind too. The washcloth was a good idea, especially if your troughs dry out so fast.
No hydrometer and stores are closed. I was able to add water to troughs with a bulb syringe. Praying they'll all make it. Two pips this morning...36 to go!
I think you'll be fine honestly. The way we used to add water is we'd get little cheap sponges from the dollar store, and use a shot glass and put the shot glass with sponges in there, because we had a problem where all the water would just drain out. It worked wonderfully. Just make sure you have a good humidity, really the thing to tell you is if your chicks are hatching or not!
A friend of mine grew up on a farm, they kept their eggs in a wooden box with a light bulb and misted the eggs twice a day. Their eggs hatched fine. I believe you are good to go too!
Yay pips!!!
Thanks, for the info. For some reason none of my chickens hatched this time but thats for another thread. Maybe next time ill get luckier.

Thanks, Dan
Thanks for the humidity tips! Four have hatched and six more pips are visible so the humidity must be ok after all. Such a wonderful way to celebrate Easter! Our kids are thrilled! We can't stop watching!!
Day 18!!! Getting ready now for final candling, weighing, and lockdown!!!

With on trough filled I have been running at about 45-50% humidity. Will filling another cause too much humidity or should I just put in a couple of wet towels?

Also, I have seen absolutely no signs of life, other than what's inside growing... Wish me luck?
Hey, I'm on day 18 also! I didn't weigh my eggs but all 5 are rocking here and there. I try to keep my humidity between 65-70, you don't want it lower than 55% for sure. I'm thinking you could either add towels or just add a little water at a time to the other trough until your humidity is at a level you want, just keep an eye on it in case you need to add more water.
I'm really hoping that I kept the temps better this time at 102 for still air, my first hatch was about 3 days late and this one seems to be right on time. I didn't have any rocking eggs this early with the last one. As long as they don't try to hatch Saturday as I wont be home most of the day and will miss it. I am so excited I find myself staring at them too much and driving myself nuts.

Good luck with yours, don't worry too much about them not moving, they could be doing a lot of resting getting ready.
Hey, I'm on day 18 also! I didn't weigh my eggs but all 5 are rocking here and there. I try to keep my humidity between 65-70, you don't want it lower than 55% for sure. I'm thinking you could either add towels or just add a little water at a time to the other trough until your humidity is at a level you want, just keep an eye on it in case you  need to add more water.
  I'm really hoping that I kept the temps better this time at 102 for still air, my first hatch was about 3 days late and this one seems to be right on time. I didn't have any rocking eggs this early with the last one. As long as they don't try to hatch Saturday as I wont be home most of the day and will miss it. I am so excited I find myself staring at them too much and driving myself nuts.

  Good luck with yours, don't worry too much about them not moving, they could be doing a lot of resting getting ready.

Thanks! Keeping my fingers crossed.
It's my first hatch!

Unlucky for my, my incubator is not in a place that we can easily watch. I was hoping to put in a web cam, but, it got lost. But, I guess I'll just be keeping an eye. And as far as helping, if need be, I hope I will be able to.

I am going to try geese next and if I can talk my neighbor into it, some seramas.
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I keep mine in an upstairs spare room, I have to go up the stairs and open the door to look at them, LOL. It helps a little bit. Just remember that it can take them 24 hours or more after they pip to actually hatch, this is my second hatch and on my first one I tried to assist and it just needed more time, not my help, sigh.
I have some call duck eggs too but I don't think they are fertile so I'll have to go find some that are. I really want to hatch some Polish standards, they are so pretty but I can only seem to find them where I will have to have them shipped, not sure I want to do that yet.
Just remember also, patience is key, it is sooo hard but necessary, LOL.

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