
I think I suck.
I think I only have one viable chick! :'(

Except for the air cells and some veins, all but one very teeny, tiny egg looks empty!... And even the little one that doesn't look empty, looks upside down!

Not sure where I went wrong?

I know my temp and humidity did NOT change enough to make a difference, except for on the days I candled.

When should I worry about exploding eggs that I keep reading about?

My friend says I should leave all the eggs in til at least Tuesday? Thoughts?
what are your temp and humidity? Have your eggs been turned often enough?
What day are you on?
Smell-I was keeping an eye on mine and smelling each egg that I thought was a goner, If I didn't smell anything I left them in there. No exploded eggs. I wonder if anyone has candled a rotten egg to see if it looks different that way? I'll have to go check.
This hatch I kept my eggs at 101-102, turned 3X a day, had a couple of spikes and one drop but nothing too extreme, kept my humidity about 30% for most of the hatch and have now brought it up to 65 for lockdown. What works for me might not quite work for you only because everyone's situation is different. I think I should be getting a better hatch rate so will have to work harder but changing one thing at a time so I know what works and what doesn't.
My temp was set at 100°. It sat pretty regularly between 99 and 101, which my friend who got me started said was more than fine. And my humidity was always between 40 and 50%.

And today is day 19.

I was only turning twice a day, to the detriment of my babies, I later learned, and had them in a make shift turner, an egg carton. On day 14, I started turning them 3 or 4 times a day, whichever, I was home often enough to do.

My temps only dropped drastically, when I opened the incubator to candle and weigh the eggs.
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I'd go with your friend and leave them till Tuesday. I don't see anything that you did that could cause them all to go but, I'm brand new to this too.
Hens get up off the eggs every so often too so they can eat, poop, stretch so unless you were candling every hour I don't see how lower temps could do too much damage, unless they went super way low. Really not sure so cross your fingers.
man - we were in lock down they started to pip and my husband moved the table they were on and all the eggs rolled all over -- they we opened and moved the eggs back to as close to where they were as we could. Man... I'm freaking out and he's all -- mama hens do worse they we are so dont worry. I'm just upset!!! One egg is going berserkers peeping and trying to get out and I dont think he can find his pip hole.

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! THIS IS AGONY!!!! I just want them out safe and sound and not dead because I'm a jerk.

whew -- ok -- thanks for allowing me to vent.... ok, pun semi-intended :p

Best of luck everyone!!!
man - we were in lock down they started to pip and my husband moved the table they were on and all the eggs rolled all over -- they we opened and moved the eggs back to as close to where they were as we could.  Man... I'm freaking out and he's all -- mama hens do worse they we are so dont worry.  I'm just upset!!!  One egg is going berserkers peeping and trying to get out and I dont think he can find his pip hole.

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!   THIS IS AGONY!!!!   I just want them out safe and sound and not  dead because I'm a jerk.

whew -- ok -- thanks for allowing me to vent.... ok,  pun semi-intended  :p

Best of luck everyone!!!

Last night my bator got bumped and all of my eggs started rolling around all over the place like we were having an earthquake.

I am still trippin. Good luck.

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